4 Steps to Effective Communication

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November 2023.

I embarked on an amazing journey.

I never imagined how much it would change my life.

A journey that took me online with a mission to develop new connections and collaborations.

The digital world was a great opportunity to meet, connect, & work with more people than I could ever imagine.

Fast forward to March 2024, I have:

  • Worked 1 on 1 with 10+ people

  • Connected 1 on 1 with 100+ people

  • Written & shared my thoughts & ideas publicly to 700+ people

All in the span of just 4 months.

4 long, tiring, but beautiful months.

Nothing is more fulfilling than doing your life's work.

But it takes

  • patience

  • a superiority complex

  • a level of organization that rivals the most meticulous planners

And this is only the beginning... the very very beginning, may I add.

But, I am confident that if I don't stop — the amount of people I can work & connect with, let alone write to, are limitless.

“But why this path Julian?”

My answer lies in our fundamental nature as social beings, craving connection for over 200,000 years.

A craving that will remain for as long as you & I live. And years upon years after that.

And you know what? Everything clicks into place when I reflect upon those that I'm paired with.

Let me tell you about my first client ever.

He was looking to improve his relationship with someone very important to him. But, he didn't know the best way to talk or act to make that happen.

In other words, he didn't know how to tell this person (whom he loved & admired) that there were certain things they did he didn't agree with or love.

So he would keep to himself and do nothing about it.

“Minor” issues matter, and they matter a whole lot.

To quote one of my favourites...

Each habit might seem small, but added together, they have an exponential effect.”

Rick Rubin, The Creative Act

Replace "habit" with “topic”, “concern”, or just, "thing".

And this is exactly what my client was telling me. He had concerns he felt were too minor to voice.

But small things pile up real quick.

And that was the moment, my friends... the moment when a realization sparked within me.

A realization that led to the creation of one of my first products.

A guide and framework to mastering the art of effective communication.

As you may have seen on Wednesday's special email, I released an easy-to-use & tested 4-step guide specifically designed for coaches.


What I didn't mention is that this guide is actually useful for any & every interpersonal relationship.

Whether it's with your

  • parents

  • significant others

  • bosses, co-workers, or employees

This guide is applicable beyond just the coaching sphere.

Because… it’s so damn easy to criticize.

Anybody can just criticize.

But not everybody can do so in a way that doesn't hurt, offend, or damage that relationship.

Which brings us back to my first client.

Why didn't he want to voice that "small" matter with the other person?

Because he was too afraid of damaging the relationship!

And that’s true:

Immediate criticism might end the relationship.

Silence? Could poison it from within.

However, if you have the right tools to handle it… you turn criticism into empowering feedback.

The 4 Steps to Effective Communication will give you these tools.

But this guide isn't just a tool; it's a pathway to relationships that are rich, genuine, and long-lasting.

  • For friends looking to deepen their connections...

  • For parents seeking deeper bonds with their children...

  • For couples aiming for a relationship rooted in understanding...

  • For managers and employees striving for a harmonious workplace...

  • For any individual facing the challenge of expressing emotions or thoughts in a healthy, constructive manner.

This guide is your answer.

It’s either one way. Or the other.

No in-between.

Your choice.

This guide contains proven techniques that are too good for its current value.

So if you’re interested, make sure you take action soon — before I come to my senses and increase the price.

Because I definitely will.

Click HERE for more.

With that, thanks for reading.

And as always, my friends, much love!


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