Before You Say Another Word...

Read time: 3 minutes

There's one thing we don't talk about enough.

Yet, we're all guilty of it.

Yes, you.

You do it too.

As did I...

Every day, I hear people saying different versions of

  • "Don't manifest that"

  • "Don't forget to knock on wood"

  • "Don't speak that into existence please!"

However, when I tell others about the power of language & creating your reality with it, people look at me crazy.

“What even is this guy saying?! How can my use of language create a better world for myself?”

This is why it's time.

Time for me to finally write (once again) about the true power of intentional language use.

If you're a frequent reader of my letters, you will notice that there's 1 word that keeps re-surfacing over and over.

And that's — intentionality.

I'm a big big fan of being intentional.

With absolutely everything.


Because having more intention in my life with every single thing I did literally transformed my life.

For the better.

I went from spending 4-5 hours a day applying to jobs I didn't even want to work at to investing all my time, energy, and focus into building my own coaching practice at the young age of 23.

Yes, being intentional allowed me to do that.

It all started with the intentionality behind my energy & where I would put my time.

From cancelling unnecessary social gatherings to cutting ties with people that I didn't see myself forming genuine relationships with any longer.

That's what being intentional means.

You perform actions & do certain things on purpose.

With a clear reason & desire.

And what started with one area of my life led into every other area.

Taking me specifically to the power of language.

I used to be someone who would say a lot, but do nothing:

  • "I'll get started on that project tomorrow"

  • "Let's try and meet up when I'm back!"

  • "I'll be there in 5 mins"

In other words — my language held a total value of 0.

My words had no weight. They meant nothing.

Even my friends & the people around me started to create & see me as unreliable.

They had enough evidence that when Julian said he would be there in 5 mins it was actually 15.

And now looking back, my friends, I couldn't be more disappointed in my younger self.

That's not the image one wants for themselves.

So before even attempting to get better at honouring my word for others, I had to start doing so for myself.

To start keeping the promises I would make to myself...

  • Hitting the gym when I planned to, instead of putting it off.

  • Focusing on a task when I promised myself I would, without distractions.

  • Sticking to my commitment of cutting out dairy, no matter how tempting it may be.

The more I aligned my actions with my words, the more powerful and trustworthy my language became.

Both to myself & those around me.

Ultimately, my goal is to continually improve & get it to be at its highest value.

I want the people in my circle to know that when I say something, I mean it.

That when I turn down an offer or say “no”, people know I stand by it. And when the time comes that I say “yes”, they'll understand just how meaningful that “yes” truly is.

The words you use & your vocab at large are beyond crucial.

In ways that many of us still don't even realize.

I promise you that if you pay attention to the people around you & the language they use, you will catch on.

You will see the way they continually bash & bring themselves down.

The way they speak about their Life & their circumstances.

Pay close attention.

Listen with fresh ears. Bring your best listening.

And then, start listening closely to your own spoken words too.

Once you notice it, you won't be able to ignore it.

It'll be extremely helpful for you.

You’ll see the incredible impact of aligning your actions with your words.

After doing this for a long while (I mean it, a long long time!), you will start to see that you can quite literally create your future by speaking it.

  • "I will go to the gym daily & have a six-pack in the next 6 months"

  • "I will set aside 30 minutes a day for self-reflection and personal growth"

  • "I'm gonna build a prosperous coaching practice & become the best coach under 25"

That last one’s mine.

And guess what?

I believe it with everything in me.


Because I’m intentional with every word I speak and every action I take.

I make time for myself every morning to journal — just as I told myself I would the night before. I hit my 15k steps daily because I told myself I would.

That’s the power of intentionality.

A power that you can apply to every area of your life.

My biggest tip?

Start with your own language & the vocabulary you tend to use.

Pay attention.

Catch the patterns.

Next, start making small changes.

You’ll be amazed at the results.

Then, thank me later.

That's it!

Thanks for reading.

Happy Saturday my friends.

With love,
