Break Time

Before we dive in, I’ve got something fresh and exciting to share with you…

Introducing the Audio Edition of my newsletters!

If you’re pressed for time and prefer to listen rather than read, now you’ve got that option.

This allows you to absorb all the insights and information from the newsletter while you’re:

  • Tidying up & cleaning at home

  • Commuting to & from work

  • Going on a walk

Great for learning on the go.

And no, it’s not some AI reading to you — it’s my real voice!

Just hit play below to listen.


Read time: 4 minutes

I've taken the week off.

In a way...

Due to being on holiday with my family — I thought it wouldn't make much sense to work.

That meant:

  • No newsletters

  • No client work or meetings

  • No engagement or social media DMs

However, I noticed some resistance on my end.

As if I didn't want to fully stop.

A part of me wanted to continue.


Well, for starters — it doesn't feel like "work" to me.

  • I enjoy writing content.

  • I enjoy my time & the sessions with my clients.

  • I enjoy engaging & connecting with like-minded creators.

Therefore, I wanted to make the time to still do these things that bring me joy.

But, my family also brings me joy.

As it stands — I already spend most of my time working on myself & on my business, and therefore holidays with them are a great opportunity to be fully present & do things together we normally wouldn't do at "home".

As a result, it felt reasonable to fully "disconnect" & give myself an actual break.

From everything.

Out of the 2 weeks of vacation — I was able to do this break with just 1 of them.

Fully off.

Well, 90%... as I actually did write a few newsletters...

But that's because I've built a consistent writing habit... so much so that it feels weird for me if I go a whole week without writing anything.

A lot of these newsletters that I've been writing consistently now for over 40 weeks have been journals & entries for (& to) myself.

I simply choose to share them publicly as I know they benefit others who are in similar situations & to document this beautiful journey that I'm on.

Therefore, it's tough to fully stop writing.

Especially because... if I don't write, I can't think.

  • Writing has been key in helping me organize my train of thought.

  • Writing has been the 1 thing I've added that I don't see myself ever stopping on.

  • Writing has been the main ingredient in understanding my unconscious mind.

And besides writing — as I took a break from the other tasks... I've realized that sometimes stepping back is what allows you to properly re-calibrate.

In these 2 weeks "off", I've been able to evaluate & zoom out on my business & the direction I want to take it in.

I've made more time for myself to take pilates classes, go on longer walks & even a few runs.

Activities that have allowed new & creative ideas to come rushing in.

As I contemplate & expand on these, I'm excited about what lies ahead:

  • Re-birth of the podcast

  • Online workshop & webinar

  • IRL Health & Lifestyle Community

To name a few.

And although these are just baby ideas for now, I can't wait to see how they develop & expand in just a couple of weeks & months.

Just like it did when I had the idea of starting my personal brand last November.

Initially, it was just a thought in my head.

Now, 8 months later, not only has this idea become a reality, but it's surpassed all expectations:

  • Friends & connections across the globe

  • Making a real big difference in people's lives

  • Newfound purpose & passion that gets me out of bed excited every morning

As I reflect on my journey, I see one common thread that has brought a tiny little thought I had 8 months ago into a daily everyday reality that I now experience.

What's that I talk about?

  • Consistency.

  • Commitment.

  • Discipline & Dedication.

And now that I've experienced first-hand what these 4 ingredients bring about when implemented, I can confidently say that I've unlocked the "secret" to bringing any tiny little idea into reality.

I know exactly what I have to do.

Whether you're going to succeed at it or not is irrelevant.

What truly matters is your intention behind it.

And mine is knowing that I will never ever stop.

With that in mind — what's 1 or 2 weeks "off" going to change for my life-long journey?

If I think of myself in 10 years looking back, this week off won't make much of a difference.

If anything, it's allowed me to rest.

To fully re-evaluate everything.

Better yet... it’s helped me generate new, creative, & fresh potential projects that are now on the horizon for my brand & business.

With that, my friends — I'll keep you posted.

If you're on my email list, you'll be the first to know about the launch of these future projects.

Till then, I look forward to continue taking you along the journey with me.

Documenting it all.

Writing daily.

And getting to know myself better by the day.

Thanks for reading!

Much much love,
