Change or Be Changed

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Last week, I was on a flight, and the guy sitting next to me struck up a conversation.

We talked about work, travel, Life.

And at some point, he asked me what I do.

In the past, I might have brushed past the question. Maybe given a vague answer. Maybe avoided the conversation altogether.

Not because I wasn’t proud of my work.

But because sharing it meant putting myself out there. Risking judgment. Opening the door to uncertainty.

So, I’d shrink. Keep my words small. Stay in my comfort zone.

But now? I don’t hesitate.

Not because I’m trying to "sell" anything. Not because I want to impress anyone.

But because I see every interaction as an opportunity to serve.

So, I shared.

I talked about my work, my mission, and why I do what I do.

And by the end of the conversation?

He asked for my number and my business card. He wanted to know more. Maybe I’ll end up coaching him, maybe not.

But that’s not the point.

The point is:

That conversation wouldn't have happened if I was still operating from old patterns.

In fact, that’s what keeps most people stuck.

Repeating the same behaviours, telling themselves the same stories, living in the same cycles.

We all know it...

Change isn’t easy.

But you know what makes it easier?

Focusing on what’s possible, instead of what’s uncomfortable.

Most people resist change because they fixate on the uncertainty.

They worry about what they might lose. They overthink what could go wrong. They fear the discomfort of stepping into the unknown.

But here’s what most people don’t realize:

The hardest part isn’t taking action. It’s letting go of the identity that no longer serves you.

  • The person who sees themselves as "the quiet one" struggles to speak up in meetings — not because they don’t have great ideas, but because speaking up isn’t who they’ve been before.

  • The person who dreams of starting a business but never does — not because they lack skills, but because they still see themselves as someone who "isn’t ready."

  • The person who stays in an unhealthy relationship — not because they don’t know it’s time to move on, but because they can’t picture Life without that person.

The discomfort isn’t in the action — it’s in stepping into a version of yourself that you haven’t met yet.

But what if we flipped that?

What if, instead of focusing on what’s unfamiliar, we focused on what could be?

Not, “What if this doesn’t work?” But, “What if this changes everything?”

Because change is always happening. The real question is:

Are you resisting it or shaping it?

I know this firsthand.

One of my first clients ever came from me simply sharing my story. Just speaking openly, no agenda, no attachment — just being in the moment and serving.

That client changed my Life.

And it only happened because I changed the way I saw change.

So here’s my challenge to you:

What’s one change you’ve been resisting?

What’s one shift you know you need to make, but keep putting off?

And as you answer these, I invite you to look at it differently.

Instead of focusing on the discomfort, focus on the possibility.

And then take the first step.

Because the sooner you embrace change, the sooner you open the door to what’s waiting for you on the other side.

You got this.

Much Love,


PS. What’s one change you know would make a difference in your Life but haven’t acted on yet? Hit reply — I’d love to hear.