Close That Gap

Read time: 2 minutes

Doing is language in action.”

J.L. Austin

As you continually set different intentions for your life, such as...

  • Building meaningful relationships

  • Discovering your life's purpose & work

  • Losing weight & honouring your health needs

... these intentions will only remain unfulfilled without action.

Actions are the physical manifestation of one's words and intentions.

Actions are what help close that gap between something you want (an outcome) & something you have (an intention).

These are the steps you take daily to turn those dreams of yours into reality.

Personally — I've started to incorporate daily commitments to take me a step closer to my ideal self & my ideal life.

Setting these has been a powerful way to build momentum.

Because as I continually stack up these daily actions... I am building consistency.

Consistency then breeds confidence.

And confidence breeds wanting to do more of it.

Nothing starts easy folks. You know that.

Especially when it's related to things we want.

If you already had it... it wouldn't be worth much.

There would be no value to attaining it.

This is why you work hard.

This is why you put in daily reps.

This is why you do things you don't always love.

But, from it… you will progress.

You will grow. Evolve. And come out of it even stronger.

In fact, this goes hand in hand with scarcity.

When you want something (that you don't currently have) — it means it is scarce, specifically to you at this current moment.

For instance, not having the ideal body weight you would want... means that this desire or want is scarce or lacking for you at this very instant.

However, there is a lot of beauty in that.

Think of it in the same way you would with Death.

Death is a certainty.

And instead of being afraid of it, I invite you to view it as your best friend.

It's the main thing that brings joy to your day. To your entire life.

If you knew that Life would never end... then you wouldn't appreciate it.

It wouldn't be precious.

Scarce things are special.

They allow you to make the most out of them.

Because you know how valuable they are.

With what, what if you treated your intentions about yourself & your life in the same way?

Yes, they may be scarce today.

But guess who gets to close that gap?

That's right.



Through daily actions.

Everyday commitments.

Give yourself action steps for each & every single day.

Be proactive. Plan ahead.

Even if you simply start with something small.

Remember it's all baby steps.

Allow yourself to start adding pearls to your own string.

Gift yourself today an action that will ignite that initial momentum.

Then let it happen.

Watch how the consistency brings in a newfound confidence for that specific intention.

At that point, the fact that you're doing it with one intention is enough evidence that you can do it with another.

And another!

If you’ve done it once, what’s stopping you from doing it again?

Remember, my friends... it's not enough to just say you want to do something; you have to take steps to make it happen.

Live into these commitments & watch how your dreams turn into reality.

The best part is you can start right now.

I invite you to do so. Let me know how it goes.

Thanks for reading.

Happy Saturday & Much love,


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