Dave Guru The Frog Doctor

Read time: 2.5 minutes

3 days.

That’s how long I’ve been on my first-ever retreat.

Today, I’m writing this as

  • I overlook the beautiful blue ocean

  • Listen to the sound of the birds chirping

  • Soak in the presence of the other retreaters

Everybody’s doing their own thing.

Everybody is here on their own quest.

On their own mission.

With a few main intentions in mind.

It’s beautiful to witness.

It motivates you to do the same.

To share just as much.

To be just as vulnerable.

Yesterday particularly, we had an incredible conversation with a fellow that our coach, Alex, recently met.

The fellow in question was this man he met in a sauna before heading to set up for our arrival at the retreat.

Alex was so impacted by this man’s story that he felt it would benefit us to also hear it.

Therefore, for over 1 hour yesterday after our morning session… we were introduced to Dave.

An ex-felon & drug dealer/addict who had a spiritual awakening and one day took control of his life. Someone who after making all the money he ever wanted, who damaged his body (& mind) day & night, and who continually committed crimes for over 3 decades… was still able to take ownership of his life.

Better yet… he was able to RECREATE his life.

I believe Alex introduced us to Dave to show us how extremely powerful an internal personal commitment can be. When you decide you want to do something, or even be something, you can (that simply) become that.

“But how?!”

By deciding what you want.

By allowing yourself to surrender.

By gifting yourself the ability to let go.

Dave claims that his Ego took control of him. His Ego was the reason why he did what he did.

Everybody thinks they are doing the right thing. Otherwise, they just wouldn’t be doing it.”

Dave Guru The Frog Doctor

Your Ego is what keeps you doing the same thing you’re doing.

That homeless guy on the corner of your road remains there because of his Ego.

It’s all about Ego.

We all think we are better than everyone else.

We all think we are the best.

But, the truth is… nobody is.

There’s no such thing as right or wrong either.

It’s all simply different perspectives.

It was an extremely powerful conversation.

Or monologue at this point…

I was enthralled.

Time stopped as I was listening to Dave.

I was captivated by this man’s story.

His words.

The emotion in his voice.

You could tell that he knew he wasn’t supposed to be alive.

The amount of

  • Reckless decisions

  • Continual poor choices

  • Lack of responsibility & control

…all pointed towards the fact that this man’s life was doomed.

Yet, something happened.

Something changed.

The “how” doesn’t matter.

What matters is that it did.

Something spoke to him. Something awoke inside of him.

He was given a new chance.

A new chance to re-create himself.

The language you use is your first step in doing the same.

Because that’s the thing, my friends… it’s the intangibles (such as faith, love, or happiness) that you create through language.

These states of being exist solely in language.

If you want love, you must speak it into reality every single day.

The same goes for faith.

They need to be created daily.

The minute you stop speaking it, it stops existing.

Nature is spontaneously in flow. The weather changes so much in one day. We are made of the same. We are always changing too.”

Dave Guru The Frog Doctor

You are nature.

I am nature.

We are all nature.

We are made up of the same things as nature.

Every single branch & every single leaf on a tree is different.

Just like every single one of you.

As the rest of society does what the TV or the news tells them to do, I invite you to follow nature.

Nature leads by example.

It shows you what to do.

The rest of our day yesterday was spent in nature.

  • In the Mediterranean Ocean

  • Walking in the forest

  • Taking in the sun

It was incredible.

Consider gifting yourself some time to do the same.

Thank you for reading.

See you again on Saturday.

Much love from France,


PS. You can find Dave on Instagram @daveguru_the_frogdoctor_

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