Dreams Don’t Work Until You Do

Read time: 3.5 minutes

Last Friday, I experienced a beautiful blessing.

I was invited to spend the day and speak at Aquazzura’s end-of-year company event — a globally renowned name in the luxury sector.

Some of you may be familiar with the brand.

And if you're not — do check them out.

Especially you married men out there who are on last-minute Xmas shopping duties right now...

The founder reached out to me a month or two ago about these very newsletters I've been writing.

Sharing that he had resonated with them deeply & wanted to explore the opportunity of inspiring & empowering his team.

When I first received his message, I was very touched.

It was a humbling reminder that you never know what can happen when you put your thoughts out into the world.

A year ago — I remember pouring all my energy into building my coaching practice...

Spending late nights:

  • Writing blogs

  • Crafting posts

  • Recording videos

Unsure if anyone would ever see them, let alone resonate with my message.

Seeing how far these letters have taken me has been incredible.

My biggest lesson?

Never underestimate the power of showing up and sharing your voice.

But, even more so — 

Never stop dreaming boldly.

In fact, that was one of the biggest takeaways from my speech on Friday.

Dreaming is free. And more importantly, it isn't only reserved for children."

I remember hearing my father share that with my brother and I when we were growing up.

And now, here I was, so many years later, sharing that very message with 90+ people in Italy.

Who would've thought?!

Nonetheless, one thing I've picked up on my own journey is that dreaming is only the initial seed.

Not the entire process.

Dreaming is required in your own Life to lead you to the places, visions, & intentions you've always envisioned for yourself.

But — dreaming is nothing if it's not matched by action.

If you believe in your dreams enough, then there should be no issue with you putting in the work daily to turn them into reality.

However, I’m sure many of you know someone (or maybe are that someone) who dreams big but struggles to find the "motivation", "willpower", or "discipline" to show up every day.

And that, my friends, is a pretty clear indication in and of itself:

You don't believe enough in your own dreams.

And if you don't, trust me when I say that neither will anybody else, let alone Life at large.

When you show up in the world from a place of skepticism and negativity, the world around you will catch & feed that right back to you.

What proof do I have?

Well, I've experienced this myself first-hand.

For years, I dreamt boldly.

I wanted to do many things... and I did. But, they didn't last.


Cause of the energy I showed up to them with.

  • I lacked faith & belief.

  • I wanted to control everything.

  • I didn't trust in the process & was impatient.

When you put these together, it leads to a recipe for disaster.

One specifically that doesn't get you closer to those dreams.

So what will?

Real, pure, & genuine energy.

Energy cannot be faked, my friends

It doesn't lie.

Every single day, when you wake up in the morning — remind yourself that you have this power already in you.

One that only you can choose to let out with intentional decision-making.

Meaning, allow yourself to choose who you want to BE for the day ahead.

Will you be...

  • Lacking positive energy

  • Negative & down

  • Sad & gloomy

Or will you instead be...

  • Positive

  • Loving & kind

  • Taking action daily

If nobody's told you before — let me:

This is a choice.

Your choice.

One that you get to make every single day.

This should feel empowering for you.

It should make you feel like the rightful owner of your Life. Because that is who you are.

Nobody else gets to tell you who to BE.

It's all up to you.

And when you choose to be the second person — the one with positive, loving, & kind energy — opportunities & synchronities show up in your Life in the most beautiful way.

Again — I speak from personal experience.

The minute I decided to make that shift in my state of being — something at the true core — my Life really became more exciting, purpose-driven, & full of meaning.

That, my friends, is the true reason to dream.

Not because it gives you a momentarily feeling of hope...

But because, when matched by true genuine energy, and productive, intentional action — the possibilities become limitless & infinite.

So, with that — don't be afraid to dream boldly my friends.

And as you do, please don't make the same mistake I did.

Believe in that dream with all your might, passion, & everything you've got.

If you find yourself unable to fully do so over time, it might be a sign you’re chasing someone else’s dream — or one that was handed to you.

And that's fine.

The important part is noticing it. Then, doing something about it.

This is why I shared about the power of dreaming on Friday.

The founder and I connected deeply on this very topic — our stories shared striking similarities.

Dreaming isn’t just an idea at Aquazzura; it’s part of the company’s culture.

And I witnessed it firsthand.

Seeing how dreaming can ignite true passion was remarkable. Passion that, in turn, fuels purpose.

And purpose?

It brings meaning to every single thing you do.

I'm beyond grateful for the opportunities that Life presented to me this past year.

All of which may have never happened if I had stopped dreaming like most adults tend to do...

With that, I trust you know what to do from here, my friends.

That's it for me on this one.

Thank you for reading!

Much love,


PS. What’s one dream you’ve been holding onto but haven’t taken action on yet?