Hey! Watch Your Language.

Read time: 3.5 minutes

The most important tool at your disposal:

The words you speak.

That’s right.

Every word you utter holds more weight than you can ever imagine.

“Everything I say about myself you mean?”

About yourself.

Everybody else.

And everything in between.

Whether that’s about the news, the weather, or even the food you eat.

Every little thing you comment on ends up affecting how you truly perceive it.

Let me explain further.

There are two types of “language-users” (as I like to call them)…

Language User Type A:

Unconscious Derek

This is the kind of person who doesn’t think much about his language before speaking it.

Simply put, Derek tends not to be intentional with the words that come out of his mouth…

  • “I hate this.”

  • Life is unfair.”

  • They are annoying.”

  • “I am a terrible kisser.”

  • “I will try to be there on time.”

I could go on and on.

But the point is…

When you say you will “try” to do something, what are you really saying?

When you say you are a “terrible kisser”, can you not get any better with some experience & practice?

When you say “hate”… do you actually hate that thing with all your might & passion?!

This is what unconscious or no intentionality means.

These words are not being used in their correct form.

And as such, when you use them in these situations — you end up creating a reality that mirrors that.

You will actually show up as the person who hates those things.

You will actually show up as the person who is a bad kisser.

You will actually show up as someone who is “trying”.


Because the language you use creates your entire reality!!!!

Language User Type B knows this very well.

Meet Conscious Caroline.

This person is very intentional with the words they use.

They know how much power their language holds.

They don’t commit to things they know they can’t uphold.

They don’t make current statements about themselves that they know they can change.

They don’t place blame on others — and instead, they take responsibility for everything.

Want to know how to become the same way?

Accept things as they are.

That’s for starters.

If the weather is “too hot” — embrace it.

Be happy about it.

See the gold in that.

In other words, what opportunity does this specific weather bring?

My brother, Jamie — for example — has mastered this!

He’ll say… “It’s a great day to wear tank tops!”

You claiming it’s hot doesn’t change the fact that it is.

And the same applies to any other situation.

It’s your unconscious commentary about it that ends up turning it into a problem.

Take Politics as another example.

Delicate subject, I know.

But, bear with me for the sake of example, please.

If you don’t like a specific candidate — you bashing them further will not change the way they will show up for your country.

But best believe it’ll change the way you view that person & the entire situation.

Meaning… that if that person were to win the election… your entire world would be “done”, “over”, & “ruined”.

And the only person who actually ends up miserable here?


But fear not.

See the “everything in between” category as the last level to reach in this Game of Life.

For now, focus on yourself.

Welcome to Level 1.

Baby steps.

Start paying attention to the way you create & speak about yourself.

Stop saying you “are” a bad cook, runner, singer, athlete, etc. etc. etc.

Replace “I am” with “I used to be”.

You were a bad cook up to this point.

But if you commit to taking classes for the next 2 months, guess who will be next up auditioning for The Bear?

Then (Level 2) — be mindful of how you create those around you.

  • Your friends.

  • Your co-workers.

  • Your children & spouses.

  • Your bosses & supervisors.

  • Your cousins, aunts, & uncles.

Whoever it is… think before you create them.

If you speak of them as “annoying”, guess how you will actually view them?

I invite you to start looking for the gold in everybody.

As a wise man once said —

The more you see, the more you see.”

Look for the magic.

Find everything they do that unconsciously you would deem as “annoying” or “messed up” as an opportunity to re-create them as something else.

This will do wonders for you in any relationship.

Especially if you’re having marital issues.

Trust me.

Because it’s the intangibles like love, faith, & trust that are all created through language.

They are not physical things.

They only stop existing the moment you stop speaking them into existence.

Therefore, choose your language wisely my friends.

Don’t be unconscious.

Your world is one of creation & choice.

Both of which are within your control!

Create it as you would ideally like it to be… and watch how that slowly becomes a reality.

But this is something you need to commit yourself to doing.

It won’t happen if you just “try”.

When you’re conscious about yourself & the world around you, you end up with a consciously occurring world.

The language you use is the bridge that brings that into existence.

Thank you for reading.

Happy Saturday!

Much love always,


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