Are You Hungry?

Read time: 3 minutes

There’s so much out there for you. 

Infinite possibilities. 

Yet, you don't see it. 

You stay stuck. 

It’s the same day. 

Over and over. 

You scroll social media as a way to “educate” yourself. 

Or at least that's what you make yourself believe. 

  • You think you’re learning. 

  • You think you’re acquiring knowledge. 

  • You think you’re following your curiosities.

But, it’s all an illusion. 

  • Learning is meaningless if you don’t test it.

  • Acquiring knowledge is nothing without applying it. 

  • Following your curiosities leads nowhere if you don’t build with them. 

In all honesty, you’re just distracting yourself. 

You can’t stand being alone with your thoughts. 

You despise it. 

It reminds you of everything you could be doing. 

But it’s not enough to get you up & moving.

The worst part?

Everyone around you sees the potential. 

They keep telling you about it. 

They see gold & genuinely mean it. 

But that’s not enough. 

How do I know?

Well, I get it. 

I was right there with you. 

I woke up every day, and instantly took my phone. 

Mindlessly scrolling — reading the same news, watching the same videos but in different forms, & “enjoying” myself. 

I had no purpose. 

Nothing to strive for. 

Nothing worth working towards. 

But, as this happened — my father would never fail to let me know there was more out there for me.

He always talked about this “hunger” that I lacked. 

And what I realize now is that hunger is not something somebody else can give you. 

It’s something you have to find for yourself. 

The best part?

It’s already in you. 

We all have it. 

The only difference is that for some, it remains dormant. 

While for others, it awakens. 

And boy, once it awakens — it’s impossible to stop them. 

That hunger takes over. 

It fuels them daily. 

That morning mindless scrolling ceases to exist. 

Better yet, the phone is the 8th or 10th thing they touch after waking up. 

All they can think about is their work. 

And do not mistake “work” here for what society deems it to be. 

I’m not talking about a 9-5 or the place you go to for the next 40 years to make enough money to then only retire. 

The work I’m referring to is when you do something that is greater than you. 

Something that you’d very well be pleased to spend 12 hours focusing on nonstop.

Something that drives your daily actions & motivates you like no tomorrow.

Something that you’d wish upon every single other person to find as well.

What’s that thing I talk about? 




Or as my father calls it, 


It’s the type of thing that once you see it, you can’t un-see it. 

By the same token — once you have it, you can’t un-have it.

Finding your hunger is beyond possible for you. 

Just as it is for anybody else.

But, let me save you some time. 

It will never come if you just wait for it. 

It will never come if you keep just “learning”. 

And it will most definitely, never come, if you don’t ever attempt to unlock it. 

Take it from somebody who once thought otherwise. 

But just like I didn’t listen to my father every single morning when he came into my room, 

You may not listen to me either right now. 

But just like he would say as he left...

You’ll thank me when you’re older.”

That’s it for me on this one. 

Thank you for reading!

Much love, 


PS. If you feel like you've waited too long and are ready to find what truly fuels your passion,

Reply to this email with the word "hunger." Let's talk.