If You're Looking For Your Life's Purpose, Read This:

Read time: 4.5 minutes

Stop wanting to have it all figured out. 

Who’s telling you that you need to know?

You have 2 choices here: 

  1. Seek to find answers now.


  1. Seek to find yourself & discover answers along the way.

99% of society is in the first bucket. 

I used to be there myself too.

I had this insatiable need to know everything about everything immediately. 

I wouldn’t be able to take any action or do anything if I didn't have the following information: 

  • Will it be useful?

  • What if I waste my time?

  • What if it is unproductive? Or inefficient? 

The more time I spent thinking of these questions (& many more), the less time I was spending actually FINDING OUT the desired answers.

This is what happens when you seek to figure it out all before you even try it out. 

If you relate & are choosing to be the person who wants to know it all before they even start something, then please take a second to reflect on your life. 

Have you always done the things you’ve dreamt of doing? 

If not, this one's for you.

Keep reading.

I’m bringing this up today because I’ve seen it happen with one too many people. 

You get stuck in the nitty gritty. 

In all the small little details. 

And as you’re wondering about whether your actions will be a “waste of time”, you’re in that very moment — doing just that. 

Spending time. 

That’s right. 

This is a choice you make. 

You can choose to act. 

You can choose to be in that second bucket.

You don’t need to know what you want to do with your life. 

You don’t need to know who you want to marry. 

You don’t need to know.

You will find out. 

Focus on yourself. 

Make that your life’s purpose. 

Focus on that daily. 

Wake up & see every day as a new opportunity to get to know a new fragment & piece of this project. 

A project that is entirely about you

They say people love talking about themselves. 

I say they love building projects that are entirely about themselves even more!

I guarantee that if you commit to becoming the most loving, healthiest, and peaceful version of yourself, everything else will naturally fall into place.

If that is building a successful business, start by investing in personal development to gain the skills and mindset needed for success.

If that is seeking an exceptional life partner, focus on improving yourself and becoming someone who attracts and deserves a great partner.

If that is achieving a six-pack and looking 10 years younger, commit to a dedicated fitness routine and healthy lifestyle, and watch your body transform as a result.

One of my favourite quotes of all time is...

Patience is something you do in the meantime.”

Doug Larson 

To understand this better — I invite you to think of the stock market. 

You invest some cash today, right?

Yet, you don’t actively stare 24/7 at the screen waiting to see how the stock performs, do you?

Doing that is exactly the same as doing what the people in the first bucket do. 

That’s right. 

Absolutely nothing. 

Instead, you go about your life. You take care of the other things you need to do.

Such as being with your family, going out for meals, hitting the gym, etc… all while you patiently wait for that money to compound.

Which may take 10 or even in some cases 20 years. 

It’s no different here my friends!

At present — you tend to go to the gym (an "input" like investing money in the stock).

But, when you see no abs forming tomorrow... you get discouraged and quit. 

Imagine if you treated the stock market in the same way! 

You’d never make a single dollar.

Why is it any different when it’s about your body? 

Your mind?

Your spirit?

If anything — these should be WAY more important. 

They are with you for life. 

They are the actual things that determine how well you live (& will continue living).

Why do you give up on yourself so quickly? 

Be patient

Stop feeling like you need to have it all figured out. 

If nobody’s told you before… let me be the first: you don’t. 

Commit yourself to working on yourself. 


Treat it like a non-negotiable that you would put in your calendar for a date night, a client meeting, or a social gathering. 

What’s allowing you to show up for those? 

A prior commitment right?

Why is it any different when that prior commitment is with yourself? 

If anything, it should hold A LOT more weight. 

“Because I can always do it later. I don’t need anyone for it. Just myself.”

But that’s the thing. You don’t do it later. 

It gets too late. 

You’re too tired.

Something else always comes up. 

How to avoid this from happening? 

Honour the commitments you make to & with yourself. 

And put them first (before anything & anyone else). 

Wake up earlier before work if you have to. 

Go to bed earlier the night before to not sacrifice your sleep. 

Plan ahead. 

You are just as important as anyone else. 

Imagine the possibilities if you treated yourself the way you treated the rest!

Your life’s purpose will unravel itself if you do this. 

It’s a guarantee. 

But you can’t half-ass it. 

Don’t do it with one leg in & one leg out. 

That isn’t commitment. 

Stop spending time trying to find all the answers. 

1 minute doing that is 1 minute less actually finding out. 

Go embrace the journey. 

Seek the discomfort of not knowing. 

This is how you grow. 

Become the owner of your life.

The one who intentionally chose to work on themselves. 

And be proud of that choice. 

Share it with others. 

Be the person who sheds light on the immense possibilities that lie ahead for others by simply sharing about themselves. 

Doing this has been the best decision of my life. 

Without knowing, and when I least expected it too — my life’s calling truly unravelled itself in front of my eyes in the most organic & natural manner. 

And I wouldn’t want it to have happened in any other way.

Trust me, you don’t either. 

On Saturday, I’ll be sharing that exact story.

Till then, what are you going to do today to start taking action & committing to work on yourself? 

Reply directly back to this email if you’d like some more guidance on that. I’ll answer to every email I get. 

Thanks for reading! 

Much much love, 


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