Learn It. Then, Share it.

Read time: 5 minutes

We're 9 months into 2024.

And coincidentally enough… I've also read 9 books this year so far.

I don't say that to boast.

Nor to brag.

I'm sharing this because I'm genuinely excited about how much I've been learning.

I've always had a passion for learning — and even more so, for sharing about those learnings.

Which is why I got into this field of coaching & content creation in the first place.

The main intersectionality here between both industries is one's ability to share.

Actually, since I was a young boy, I've always been the first to share.

What about?

Anything and everything I consumed.

Whether it was:

  • Music

  • TV Shows & Movies

  • Soccer/Football Games

Anything that fascinated me & that I had an interest in.

My enthusiasm for sharing was so strong that people thought I had a personal stake in the shows I watched.

As if getting others to tune in would somehow reward me financially.

But that was never the case.

Even in college, when I found my favorite nightclub, I just wanted my friends to experience the same music, so we could have an incredible night together.

Yet, I always got asked — "How much are they paying you if I show up?!"

It's kinda sad looking back.

It was as if my friends never had others who wanted them to experience things by their side.

Because truly that was my only intention.

I wanted these people close to me to live the same experiences.

To watch the same mind-blowing things I was watching.

To listen to the same amazing music I was discovering.

To learn the same incredible things I was investigating about.

I never had an agenda.

And today — I still don't.

My main mission is to share with as many people as possible the knowledge I'm gaining daily about mental health, self-development, and lifestyle wellness.


Because I genuinely believe that change can be created for ourselves (& others) when we see things in ways we didn't before.

And if I can be the catalyst (no matter how small) to helping another become the rightful owner of their life leading to personal fulfilment & happiness... then I'll try my luck.

Because that is the power of sharing.

A power that we all have access to.

We're all learning things daily.

The only difference is that some people keep their learnings to themselves.

Or they don't want to share them in case they’re “wrong"...

But remember — it's your own experience.

Your own perspective on the situation.

There is no such thing as it being right or wrong.

That is how you interpreted it & how you saw it.

You have every right to share it.

Definitely do not impose your views on others.

But besides that, share as much as you can.

Those who receive your insights also don't have to listen or act on them.

But if they do, imagine the ripple effect!

They might even credit you for sparking that change in their perspective.

Yet, that's not the point.

You don't share your stories, experiences, and learnings to get recognition.

You share because of the possibilities that could unfold for those who hear them.

And let's not forget the impact it can have on you as well.

As Einstein said:

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.”

The power of sharing allows you to organize the thoughts of your learning experience into coherent & simple terms.

Making it more digestible for both you & the receiver to fully comprehend it.

Better yet:

The more you explain it (& the more people you explain to), the more you end up understanding it yourself.

Over time, I've noticed that what I initially learn transforms as I share it.

What starts as a concept from a book evolves into something personal, filtered through my own experiences, conversations with others, and insights from other sources.

It's no longer just the original idea — it's now shaped by all the different perspectives I've encountered along the way.

It's such a beautiful process.

A never-ending one for that matter.

“But, Julian, what learning are you referring to here?”

There are learning sources everywhere:

  • Music

  • Books & texts

  • Online courses

  • Life experiences

  • TV shows & Films

  • Podcasts & Audiobooks

  • Workshops and seminars

  • Conversations with friends

Everything around you is information worth collecting data on, understanding deeper, & sharing with others.

This year, for me — besides the extraordinary & unconventional life stories I've been experiencing... books have been my new best friend.

I've always enjoyed reading.

But, I never did so consistently.

It was one book there.

Another one many many months later.

Most times, they would even be left unfinished.

In fact, that is how 2024 had actually begun.

At the end of 2023, my brother gifted me Shoe Dog by Phil Knight (the founder of Nike).

It was actually the first book that I can remember finishing in its entirety.

Therefore, I genuinely believed that I could carry that momentum into 2024.

And in December, my curiosities led me towards the world of music.

Specifically... towards the legendary music producer Rick Rubin.

If you're not familiar with Rick — please google him & all the songs he's produced or assisted in some way.

I can guarantee you'll know (or have heard of) at least 5.

He's worked with almost every musician on the planet.

Therefore, due to spending so much time studying Rick & his way of being, it only seemed natural (& logical) that my next step would be to purchase his book, The Creative Act: A Way Of Being.

And that I did.

My initial crack at the book started off smoothly.

I was reading daily.

The chapters were so short & quick that I was committing myself to reading at least 1 a day.

But, slowly slowly — the more I found myself working on other tasks & stacking up more and more commitments (podcast recordings, coaching calls, group courses, etc.) — my reading time significantly decreased.

Eventually, it was March... and I had just completed one-half of the book.

3 months it took.

I wasn't proud of it.

But, I also took that as a sign that maybe I had gotten all that I was searching for (at that moment) from this book.

Which ultimately led me to put it aside & never pick it up again.

(So far).

And I'm okay with that.

Because from March/April onwards — my curiosities led me elsewhere.

I ended up signing up for a coaching program (& a retreat) where 5 books were instructed to be read.

All of which ended up being completed by mid-July.

In just under 4 months, I had read & learned more than I had in all of 2023.

It was incredible.

And from then on — I couldn't stop.

I continued.

But without much planning.

I left it up to my curiosities & the path I was on to choose the next book I'd be reading.

And so far it's worked incredibly well.

Every single time I finish a book, Life seems to present the perfect next one — almost as if it's showing me exactly what I need to read at that very moment.

On Saturday, I'll be sharing with you some of the insights of the latest book that landed on my lap at the most suitable time.

Like I said at the beginning of this letter — I've always loved learning & then sharing.

And that is something I never see myself not doing.

With that, my friends, I'd love to invite you to share with me your top favourite book of 2024 so far. And why?

Perhaps it may just be the next book that Life has in store for me.

I guess we'll find out.

See you on Saturday!

Thank you for reading & much love,
