Low Energy, Low Life. High Energy, High Life.

Read time: 3 minutes

The stories we tell ourselves shape our reality.

But what if those stories are wrong?

What if the way you see your relationships, your business, your challenges — isn’t actually the truth… but just a reflection of the state you’re in?

I’ve been talking about this a lot with my clients this week.

We all have stories about who we are, what we’re capable of, and what’s possible for us.

Stories about our work. Stories about our relationships. Stories about our future.

And more often than not, those stories aren’t serving us.


Because we don’t realize that our state creates our story.

Most people try to change their thoughts first. But thoughts follow state. And state follows energy.

You can’t rewrite your story if you’re stuck in a low-energy, disempowered state.

And energy? Energy is everything.

It can’t be faked. It can’t be forced.

But it can be shifted.

My clients tell me all the time that the number one reason they decided to work with me was because of my energy.

I had a client once say, “Julian, you’re more committed to my success than I am.”

And it’s true.

If you work with me, you’ll see it firsthand.

I don’t do half-measures. I’m all in. Your growth becomes my mission. Your intentions become mine. And together, we won’t just hit them — we’ll surpass them.

That’s why energy matters.

If you want to be a great speaker, you don’t start by saying, “I am confident. I am charismatic.”

You start by embodying that energy first.

Because who you are determines what you do. And what you do determines what you have.

We all have different versions of ourselves that emerge in different situations.

The playful side that comes out with close friends. The confident, bold side that steps up when stakes are high. The sharp, focused side that appears when solving a tough problem.

But... what if you could call on those states on command?

What if you didn’t have to wait to feel confident, focused, or present — but could create it?

That’s the power of mastering your energy.

Because your energy is your being. And being is the seed of all doing.

So be honest & ask yourself:

  • What am I showing up with every day?

  • What state am I bringing into my work?

  • What energy am I bringing into my relationships?

Years ago, I used to hate mornings.

My family even joked that I was allergic to them.


Because the energy I brought every single morning was off.

I wasn’t smiling. I wasn’t engaged. I wasn’t excited to start my day.

And it showed in everything I did.

But something as simple as shaking out my body, forcing a smile (even when I didn’t feel like it), standing tall, and breathing differently  completely shifted my state.

And once I changed my state, I became the magician who could rewrite the story.

Suddenly, mornings weren’t something to dread. They were an opportunity.

This is what most people don’t realize:

If you want to elevate your business, strengthen your relationships, and feel unstoppable in your daily Life — start with your energy.

Because energy isn’t just about feeling good. It’s about how you carry yourself.

  • Standing tall with your chest open — instantly shifting into confidence and certainty.

  • Leading your team with conviction — because your body language reinforces your words.

  • Waking up with energy — starting the day with movement that primes your mind for action.

Your body leads, and your mind follows.

And once your state shifts?

The story you tell yourself changes.

And once the story changes?

New strategies, tools, and actions become available to you.

That’s how you move forward. That’s how you break old cycles. That’s how you create the Life you want.

I see it every day with my clients. And I live it every day in my own Life.

So I’ll leave you with this:

If there’s an area of your Life where you feel stuck, ask yourself — What energy am I bringing to it?

Shift the energy, and the rest will follow.

And if you don’t know where to start?

Stand up. Roll your shoulders back. Take a deep breath. Smile.

Feel that shift?

That’s where it begins.

Thanks for reading!

Much Love,
