Mexico, 90 Leaders, & The Lesson I’ll Never Forget

Read time: 4 minutes

I’ve had a crazy month.

And it isn’t even over yet.

In the first week of October, I hosted my first overseas seminar at one of the largest media companies in Dubai.

It was a major milestone, but little did I know how much more was coming.

Because in the second week, I got invited to host yet another talk.

But this time — it was across the globe.

In Mexico!!

I was asked to share my story & speak in front of 90 company leaders & top sales reps.

It turned out to be one of the most incredible experiences of my life.

Especially given that minutes before arriving I was beyond exhausted.

  • Back-to-back travels

  • Jet lag with time zone difference

  • Non-stop networking & speaking

I couldn’t blame myself for feeling drained.

But how was I supposed to inspire and motivate 90 people at once with such low energy?

Then it hit me:

What you focus on, grows.

I chose instead to shift all my attention to the outcome that I wanted.

And the moment I stepped into the room, I could feel it in the air.

The people were eager, hungry for inspiration and success.

And just like that, they had motivated me!

I was brought back.

All my tiredness melted away.

And right after what felt like I had just had a full night’s rest & 3 cups of coffee, I went on stage.

As I looked out, I wasn’t nervous.

I had just done something similar last week in Dubai.

And the week before that, I hosted an online workshop.

My abilities to speak publicly were still fresh in my mind.

After all, confidence is evidence-based right?!

So this was just, yet again, a new opportunity that Life was presenting for me to gain more and more evidence of my abilities to become the best coach under the age of 25.

I started sharing my story.

In Spanish, may I add.

Which felt like a fresh challenge given that most of my coaching projects & speaking gigs tend to be in English.

But honestly, I nailed it.

If I can even say so myself…

I initially spoke about how lucky I am to have been raised by parents who taught me to always believe in myself.

But that despite their support, I still felt lost for a long time, stuck in a comfort zone that kept me from growing.

I told the audience how my fear of failure once held me back.

How I was afraid of being a disappointment.

Especially after everything my father had done for himself & our family.

I had big shoes to fill & I felt the pressure.

But, ultimately…

Nothing comes without action.

You have to create it.

And that’s what I did.

I gave myself an ultimatum.

I found a way to reduce the safety net that I had with my family.

To practically eliminate any potential of a plan B.

I painted a clear picture of what would happen if I didn’t push forward.

And from that point, I made a personal internal commitment with myself.

Specifically, as a way for it to drive my daily actions.

It was not based at all on the past or on what I had or hadn’t done.

But, more so, it served as a future to dive towards.

As I spoke, I saw all these people paying attention to every single word that came out of my mouth.

I could tell they had brought their best listening.

Attempting to hear what was in it for them & even more importantly, to find the gold in every word that was spoken.

These people want to succeed. More than they already have.

They fully understand the power that we, as human beings, have.

A power to impact, influence, & make a real difference in this world.

Whether it’s for their direct family or for the greater population.

All of us have the capability to make a lasting difference in another’s life.

Every day presents a new opportunity to serve another human.

But, whether we know it or not, we find ourselves thinking.


Continuously living in our own heads.

And as a result, with much less doing.

Let me ask you — what’s the biggest predictor of an outcome?

If your answer wasn’t “action”, then you know exactly what’s missing in your life.

The good news?

There are no rules.

It can be as big or as small of an action.

As long as it gets you 1% closer to your ideal self & life.

80% of success is simply showing up.”

Woody Allen

Ask yourself what that means for you today. In your own life.

And then, show up as that.

For me — this just means continually taking all the opportunities that Life keeps putting in front of me.

At first, when I found out about the trip to Mexico I wasn’t so thrilled.

I thought about the lifestyle that would come with it:

  • The lack of sleep

  • Eating out more than usual

  • My inability to work out as much as I would like

However, I now realize that nothing is permanent.

Sometimes, Life requires you to sacrifice some things in order to pave the way for others.

As long as you get right back on track at some point.

If it wasn’t for this trip, I wouldn’t be the coach I am today.

Better yet, I wouldn’t be the person that’s writing this right now.

As I sit on the plane on our way back home, I can’t stop smiling.

I feel fulfilled.

Beyond satisfied & proud of myself.

And more grateful than ever before.

With much more to improve, iterate, & evolve on.

Here’s to the last 2 weeks of October!

Let’s see what Life has in store for me then.

I guess we’ll have more intel on that in Saturday’s letter.

Stay tuned for that.

Till then, thanks for reading & much love!


Puebla, Mexico — Oct. 2024