Share Your Power

Read time: 5 minutes

Don’t underestimate the power you have. 

You have a tremendous ability that’s already within you. 

One that not only you have, but the rest do too. 

How to access it?

By sharing more.

As many of you may have noticed either from my letters or from coaching with me, 

I am a big advocate for sharing

I always invite people to share. 

Whether that’s their 

  • insights 

  • experiences

  • perspectives

Anything really. 

We all see the world so differently. 

Through our own unique lenses, to be exact.

And there is a lot of beauty in that!

One person can perceive the same situation entirely differently from someone else due to two main factors:

1) Language (which we’ll touch on in the next letter on Saturday)

2) Your own outlook

In a way, these two are intertwined.

Your outlook or the way you see the world is 100% correlated to the language you use in the first place. 

But, what I want to focus on today is the true power that sharing can bring to your life (& the people around you).

Share it all, my friends. 

You underestimate your power. 

“Why would anybody care?” 

It’s not about that. 

Firstly, do it for yourself. 

Sharing your insights (either verbally or through writing) allows you to organize your thoughts better. 

You will be editing & auditing yourself as you speak or write, helping you make better sense of what you learned. 

Therefore, the next time you listen to a video, a podcast, or even watch a movie — share about it. 

There are no rules for this. 

You decide how you want to go about it. 

If you want to share about it on your Instagram Story with a video, go for it. 

If it’s through an email like I am doing here — go for that! 

If it’s in a conversation at dinner with your family or friends — do that. 

You choose. 

That’s the beauty. 

There are a million ways to share. Especially in today’s world. 

Get creative with it. 

But don’t hold back. 

Be open. 

Share what it means to your life. 

What did you hear/read in it about you? 

Why did you like it? Why didn’t you? 

And when you share with others, you’re opening up tremendous possibilities for those who receive it. 

They can pick up on things they didn’t initially. 

Or maybe your insights help them see it in a way they didn’t before. 

You’re switching their perspective. Or simply adding a new one. 

Whatever it is — your sharing is allowing others to reap the benefits of your learning. 

I know most of my readers on here consume a lot of self-development content. 

I mean… who doesn’t? 

It makes you feel good. 

It gives you hope. 

There’s possibility in it. 

But have you ever stopped to think why? 

Why do you like it so much? 

Cause it’s relatable!!!

You relate to the speaker. 

You relate to the person they used to be. 

And feel inspired to become the person they are now

Maybe, one day, you, too can film videos & inspire millions. 

But why wait for “one day”? 

Why not start now?

You’re ever-evolving. 

Your self-development journey is ongoing. 

Start small. 

  • Share with your neighbours. 

  • Share with your family & friends. 

  • Share with your co-workers & supervisors. 

This is how you start to create change for others. 

You help them see things in a way they didn’t before. 

While also simultaneously helping yourself understand it better. 

You’ve only truly understood something if you’re able to properly explain it to another. 

Don’t hold back my friends. 

You are a leader. 

Be the person who shares about their struggles.

And how they’re overcoming them.

Be the person who comes from a place of hope & possibility

And when others share with you, listen

And do so genuinely. 

With the most gracious, open, & curious ears. 

There shouldn’t even be 1% of judgment. 

If there is, you’re not listening. 

You’re judging. 

And that’s ok. 

But if you are, ask yourself — “where am I still judging myself?” 

Because I can guarantee you that the minute you become more loving to yourself, all your judgment falls away as a by-product. 

“But that takes too long, Julian! I can’t just stop judging myself (& therefore others) just like that.”

You’d be surprised. 

Don’t tell yourself it will take 5 or 10 years to go from a place of self-judgement to self-love. 

Don’t create that. 

Otherwise, you will show up in the world daily as someone who genuinely believes it will take that long. 

That’s where your language matters. 

You can drop into self-forgiveness very quickly & powerfully. 

So much so you’ll be surprised at how rapidly you’ve transformed. 

The best part is — if you can do it, so can others. 

Share about that experience too. 

I’m not here to tell you to stop consuming content or any of that. 

I’m here to invite you to keep watching… and at least to share after you do. 

  • You choose the medium. 

  • You choose the moment.

  • You choose the audience. 

But, commit yourself to doing this. 

I promise you it will do wonders for both you & the people who are lucky enough to receive it. 

And who knows — maybe something greater will come from it? 

To drive this point home — I'd like to share with you an example from my life.

I’ve committed myself to sharing about my endeavours with as many people as possible.

You’ve probably seen it on Twitter/X, LinkedIn, YouTube, or even on here in these letters.

But, what you don’t fully see is that I also share a lot about it in person. 

And last week, I did just that. 

I met up with some friends that I hadn’t seen in a while, and as we updated each other on our lives, I remembered this commitment.

So I started sharing in depth.


My entire self-development journey. 

My transformation. 

How it all happened. 

The story of how my business started. 

The greatness that is being created weekly with my clients. 

I was coming from a place of possibility

Not boasting or bragging. 

I wanted them to hear what possibilities also lay ahead for them. 

Funnily enough — minutes after I had shared, and as the conversation topic moved on to something else… one of my friends came up to me & requested more information on my coaching & the sessions with my clients. 

He was curious. 

He wanted to know more about what was being created. 

It was clear. He had received it. 

He had heard what was in it for himself. 

He really saw what could be created for him too. 

And as a result — he was interested in potentially signing up for coaching with me.

Because of my sharing, he may become a client.

Or maybe he won't.

It's irrelevant. 

What matters is that I was able to help & serve this friend without needing him to pay me a single cent. 

All he did was pay with his attention & best listening

That is the power of sharing.

Don’t gatekeep this power that you have. 

We all have it. 

We can all do it. 

Watch the ripple effects that come from it. 

They are so powerful that they will keep rippling beyond you

With that, I challenge you to share your insights about something you’ve recently watched, listened to, or read to the next person you converse with. 

If you want to take this to a higher level — post about it online. 

And please, be intentional with the language you use when speaking about yourself, others, & all else.  

But, more on that on Saturday! 

Stay tuned. 

Till then, much love! 

And thank you for reading,


PS. If you want to already take action & bring on this challenge — please share with me your insights on this topic!

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