Summer, Family, & A Challenge For You!

Read time: 3.5 minutes

Summer’s rolling in.

For many, this means:

  • Days off

  • Fun in the sun

  • Parties, booze, & dancing

For me, it means:

  • Family time!

And as much as I love it... there is one big downfall to it.

That is, repeatedly being exposed to the following:

"So what plans, Julian? What are you up to these days? Where are you headed? What are you thinking of doing? Any masters or degrees coming up? What about job applications? What are your goals in life?"

You may be thinking "what's the big deal? Just answer it."

And I would.

But, when one takes on such an unconventional journey (like the one I find myself on), and one that is frowned upon by 90% of society... the answers to these questions are not usually well received.

Therefore, a week ago — I was feeling a little "creative" and started drafting out potential answers.

(in my head, that is).

This is what I came up with:

  • "On a gap year taking courses on creative writing!"

  • "Been studying & taking online courses"

  • "I'm a writer"

These are all true. But, are all still withholding a BIG chunk of what I'm actually doing.

That is, coaching successful & unfulfilled professionals.

The issue (that I created) revolves around the fact that these people I’m coaching are actually almost twice my age. And therefore, the typical question I receive is:

"How is it possible for a 23-year-old to be coaching people older than him?"


"What do you know about life fulfilment and mindset? You don't nearly have as much experience as them"

Therefore, with this in mind, I decided that I wasn't going to deal with these questions.

Any possible answer I could give would most likely be questioned again & it would make for an overall rather unpleasant conversation.


Things changed quickly last week. Once again, at the best possible time...

God showed up.

As He always does.

Last Friday, I had scheduled in a "laser session" with my current coach.

(Yes, I too am learning continually & being coached by someone.)

My pre-session "assignment" was to bring in an issue or a specific topic that has been on my mind.

I went back & forth over a few potential ones... but there was one that kept circling back... and it was this one surrounding my age & current career.

And WOW.

Wow wow wow.

I am so beyond glad I brought this up.

That 30-minute session we had was one of the best ones yet.

Besides the fact that my coach helped me understand that this was a self-limiting belief I had created & imposed over myself... he proposed I experiment with something.

For starters, he invited me to share my journey with as many people as possible.

The more, the better.

But, to do so from a place of possibility.

Let me explain.

I cannot possibly control how the other person will receive & take my words.

No matter what I say. If they hold pre-existing beliefs on the schooling system & how everybody has to fit in a box, go to a corporate job, and do the same soul-sucking thing for over 40 years... then that is what they will believe.

I cannot control that.

What I can control, however... is how I send it.

How I deliver it.

If I deliver it from a place of hesitancy & fear... then it will be received as so.

But, from a place of positivity, inspiration, & motivation...

Now we're talking!

And that is exactly what I've been doing.

I actually had already been doing it (but without even knowing!).

I had been sharing with a friend back in November that I always dreamt of starting & hosting my own in-person podcast.

A few months later in January... The Dom's Dance Court Podcast made its official debut.

(Stay tuned for Season 2 coming soon!)

Every time I met with this friend, he continued to praise me due to my "level of execution".

He was so impressed that I said something, committed to it, and made it happen.

Which led him to willingly share with me:

"I've always wanted to write. I released a Medium article a while ago. I told myself I would write more but never actually got round to it."

This was genuine.


I could tell it was something that bothered him.

And over the course of our coffee meet-ups, I (still unconsciously) was sharing with him everything I was doing in my journey & truly doing so without holding back.

He also created the space to allow me to do that.

Today, a few months later, I'm proud to share that my friend has published 3-4 Medium articles. And they are beyond incredible. He is a wonderful & talented writer.

Therefore, my friends.

I challenge you to do the same.

In your everyday errands, life activities, & social gatherings — when people ask you, "How are you?" or "What are you up to?"

Do not be afraid to really tell them.

We all have dreams. We all have something we wanna do.

We all have something we are already doing that is worth sharing.

Your entire existence is unique.

Trust me when I say, that what may seem "obvious" or like "something that others are also doing" is usually at most times, not the case.

Remember, you cannot control

  • How they receive it

  • What they may think of it

  • How they react or respond to you

BUT... what you can control is your intention.

So, make it count. Tell that person your story & your journey as if it were the last time you were ever sharing it!

Let it come from a place of possibility.

A place of optimism.

A place of hope.

At least, I know what I'll be telling my family this coming summer.

And the fact that even just 1 other person may take it the way it was intended & actually go chase their dream or work on that passion they've been putting off, is more than enough for me.

After reading this, I hope you can see it in the same way too.

With that, I invite you to join me.

And if you do... please share any insights & stories from the experience by replying directly to this email.

I'll feature my favourite ones in future letters.

Thank you for reading, my friends.

Much love to you & yours,


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