
Read time: 4 minutes

I acknowledge you.

For gifting yourself the time to be here & read this today.

You're carving out time (no matter how little) to be with yourself.

Thank you for being here.

Acknowledgements are beyond powerful.

They are the most profound & human way of sharing & receiving love.

And lucky for me (& now you, too), I got to experience this first-hand this past Saturday.

Let me set the scene:

It's the last day of the Free Your Mind retreat.

I'm sitting in the living room of this beautiful picturesque beach house in Menton, France.

Around me, I see 4 incredible human beings who only 6 days ago were practically strangers to me.

I only knew of them from our minimal online interactions.

I sit & think to myself... "how did I even get here?".

It all feels made up.

Like a fever dream.

Yet, I reflect on how I just spent 6 days in an incredible & special place simply because I started creating content online back in November.

That, my friends, is the true power of the internet.

If it wasn't for Twitter/X, I most likely wouldn't have met my current coach (& retreat host), Alex Manzi.

Now that is the true power of surrendering to the flow of life.

In March when I met Alex, I had no intention whatsoever to hire a new coach, let alone head on a spiritual retreat in France!!!

My mind said no. But my lips said yes.

And how grateful I am they did.

Saturday Morning, June 8th.

Our morning coaching session started outdoors on the balcony overlooking the beautiful blue Mediterranean ocean.

Just as we had done every day prior.

This time, however, was different. It started raining shortly after we had begun.

As if Menton was crying due to our upcoming departure later that evening.

(Side note: the weather was mirroring much of our feelings & emotions over the course of the week. Which isn't surprising, because remember: We are Nature.)

We made our way indoors.

For the first 2h or so, we had our session in the living room.

After a short little break, Alex begins:

"Yesterday, I told you all we'd be doing something that was going to blow your minds."

  • Is he bringing a Bachata band?

  • Is he bringing a shaman for an ayahuasca session?

  • Is he arranging a hot air balloon ride over the Mediterranean?

We couldn't guess.

And rightfully so... because what happened next is almost inexplicable.

"We're gonna do an exercise in acknowledgement."

As Alex explained the "rules", it was clear that each person would get their time in the "hot seat" while the rest of us (including Alex) would acknowledge the f*ck out of that person.

In other words, we were instructed to "express & deliver the gold we saw" in each person.

The person in the "hot seat" would then (once each person had acknowledged them) hear and receive said acknowledgements for that gold that the rest of us saw in them, ultimately helping that person see it in themselves.

It seems pretty straightforward.

But, my mind initially thought — "Really? This is what will blow our minds?!"

Once again, I didn't know how wrong I was.

Another reminder to surrender to what's happening in front of me & let go of that inner voice & those thoughts.

The following 3h unfolded in a way that I would've NEVER imagined.

I have goosebumps as I write this.

As each person got their turn to acknowledge the other (& subsequently receive their own), tears were shed like no tomorrow.

Laughs & inside jokes sprouted reminding us of the beautiful week we had just spent together.

In essence, what was happening was clear.

We had formed a new beautiful family.

I went on my way later that evening with 3 new sisters & 1 new older brother.

And I couldn't be more thankful.

The Spoken Words.

Before this exercise, I'd never been one to "receive" compliments.

I used to (very easily) sweep them under the rug & politely say "Thank you".

I believe a part of me either didn't quite believe them or acted as if I already knew them. Or perhaps I heard the same ones over and over that they meant less to me each time.

Whatever the reason... on Saturday, it was completely different.

The frame & container of the week made it different.

We all knew what we were there for.

We all had intentions & reasons for our presence in that room that day (& the entire week).

Our entire conversations all week came from a place of

  • vulnerability

  • genuineness

  • pure honesty

Which therefore meant that nothing was left on the table.

We practically knew each other very deeply & intimately.

Therefore, when each person began to acknowledge me... I couldn't help but let go.

I couldn't stop getting emotional.

These people genuinely saw this gold in me. They really really meant it.

And to hear what my coach acknowledged me for touched me deeply.

This was the man who was essentially "analyzing" & "evaluating" me, ultimately helping me grow as a human being (& as a coach myself).

His & their words will live with me forever.

They've shed new light on something I'd heard before but can now truly say I believe.

I took their acknowledgements in.

I accepted them.

I now acknowledge myself for those same things every day.

There has been an incredible shift and expansion in my being.

One that is hard to put into words.


I'd like to end this by inviting you to acknowledge yourself for something. And while you do that, also acknowledge others around you.

Whether you know them as well as you would with a sibling or whether it's a stranger in the grocery store.

Whoever it may be, I invite you to acknowledge the f*ck out of that other person.

Allow yourself to see only the positive & the GOLD in that person.

And once you do, communicate & express it to them. With love & kindness.

Remember, you cannot control how they receive it. You can only control the place where it comes from. That is, how you deliver & intend it.

For those wanting to take this a step further, I invite (& encourage) you to sit in a circle with others and do this same exercise in acknowledgement.

Take turns to share what you truly love and appreciate about each other.

Do so as genuinely as possible. Let it come from your heart.

This week, whenever my mother asks me how the retreat went, all I can say is:

"Mom, we sat in a circle and told each other how much we really love one another. Yes, we as human beings have this capability. It was the most beautiful thing I've ever experienced."

Thank you for reading.

I acknowledge you for everything you're doing. Keep moving.

And don't forget to surrender to the flow of life.

Much love as always,


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