The First of Many

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Last week, I had one of the most beautiful experiences of my life.

For years, I’ve dreamt of working closely with people.

Whatever form it took, I always knew my "dream job" would involve connecting with others every day.

Maybe it’s the joy of getting to know someone new?

Or perhaps it’s the discovery of shared experiences and common ground?

I’m frankly not sure.

It’s a feeling.

And you can’t deny a feeling.

When you know, you know.

This is the reason I got into this journey last year.

I knew that if I wanted to connect with individuals on a daily basis, social media was the perfect place to start.

From there, I didn’t know where it would take me.

But, I trusted the process.

I didn’t need to know.

After all, Life is a game of figuring it out as you go through it.

And once again, last week, I was shown how powerful letting go & surrendering to Life can be.

I used to be a person who wanted to have it all planned out.

All ready, clear, & structured.

However, if we dig deep enough, that was just a way for me to control the uncertainty in my Life.

Funnily enough, you can't.

There’s no such thing as control.

It’s all an illusion.

What you’re actually doing is getting in your own way.

And as a result, you block yourself.

You don’t let things happen in the way they’re supposed to.

You block opportunities from naturally emerging.

You hinder all sorts of synergies.

Let me let you in on a little secret...

You don’t want to do that.

Take it from me.

Someone who did exactly that for the majority of his life.

Until, one day — I decided it was time for a change.

If I wanted to turn my biggest dreams into reality, I couldn’t keep restricting myself.

And that’s when Life started to come into play.

Things happened last year that didn’t go according to “plan”.

And although I resisted them at first, they were just meant to take place in that way.

(Of course, I say this in hindsight)

Back then, I had no clue it would play out like this.

That’s the true beauty of surrendering to Life, my friends.

You never know what will happen.

So what started as an unexpected & unforeseen change to the “plan” led to the most beautiful 9 months of life.

  • I began sharing my insights & stories with the world.

  • I began coaching & working with people at the top of their field.

  • I began meeting, networking, & collaborating with the most incredible creators.

And the best part?

It’s only just the beginning.

Which brings me back to last week.

Where I hosted my very first workshop.

With over 40 people who attended and stayed engaged for the entire hour.

And another 30 that signed up just to access the recording.

What an incredible experience it was.

Not only did the attendees get to leave feeling inspired & hungrier than ever, but they also shared the most vulnerable, motivating, & personal stories.

Which, by the way, was part of the “plan”.

However, not to this extent.

The way the attendees shared so openly & candidly as if they had known everybody else in the room for over 10 years.

The way they got along so well that they requested for a group community to be created.

The way they didn’t want to stop sharing & speaking.

It all blew my mind.

This is the power of sharing!

We live in a time where communicating & making an impact has never been easier.

Yes, there is loads of competition.

And yes, it takes time and effort.

But, when you witness something like what we witnessed last week, it just fuels me further to continually keep doing what I’m already doing.

I knew I would never stop.

But after last week, I’m beyond convinced my gut was right from the very beginning.

Working with people has been a dream of mine since I was a young boy.

And I’m beyond grateful that this dream continues to become a reality every single day more and more.

I wish the same for your dreams.

Because — just like I shared in the workshop — whether you know it or not, you all have this innate hunger within you.

Even if you don’t feel it just yet.

It’s right there.

For some, it’s itching to come out & drive you forward.

For others, it’s buried deep down as you continually get in your own way.

My biggest advice?

Let your natural Hunger emerge.

It’s here for a reason.

And that’s to serve you.

Maybe even to serve the rest of the world too.

But, we won’t know if you keep shielding it away.

Not sure how to begin?

Start by watching the workshop.

Those who attended shared:

"It was inspiring to be a part of. Good to know I'm not alone in this!"

"It was great to connect with other like-minded individuals who are on a similar path."

"We all learnt a bunch from each other & that fire of hunger spread between us all. Felt more motivated than ever today."

And now, thanks to the recording, you get to experience that too.

Sign up here to be added to the list and receive the recording in your inbox next week!

And if you were there with us on Thursday, I invite you to watch it again.

There are always new nuances to catch that you may have missed the first time around.

Now is the time.

Your time.

I believe in people so much.

I believe in people who believe in themselves even more.

Make it count.

Because remember — Hunger waits for no one.

Stay tuned for more workshops coming up, my friends.

Thanks for reading!

Much love,
