The Ice Tray Test

Read time: 3.5 minutes

What would future you think?

Would they be pleased or disappointed with the actions you've taken so far?

Be honest. Don't be afraid.

Nobody's listening or reading your responses but you.

And regardless of the answer — please choose to let it serve you.

Today, together, we can intentionally make this question the driving force of what's yet to come.

Personally, I remember asking myself that powerful question.

It was so eye-opening that it changed absolutely everything for me:

  • From waking up without direction to being fueled by a clear vision.

  • From being controlled by short-term impulses to living intentionally.

  • From unemployed and afraid of failure to building a meaningful career.

How did 1 question change SO much?!

It's wild I know. But, the truth is — nobody spends enough time vetting & auditing their current actions...

And even more importantly, how they will end up affecting their future self.

Your current self is and can be your biggest ally.

BUT... only if you choose it to be.

For many, they're creating their current self as their biggest enemy.

You're making daily decisions & choices that you know you will regret later on down the road.

Maybe not tomorrow... but definitely in the next few years.

And, if you ask me, that's the biggest challenge.

The more you can pause, think, & intentionally decide what action you want to perform today that will best benefit the furthest version of yourself in the future...

The better.

But, too, the harder it becomes.


Cause reality is too real at the moment to think that far ahead.

Trust me. I get it.

You have 100 other things going on right now that you can't possibly even think about what's happening this weekend, let alone what or where you want to spend the upcoming holidays.

So how can you possibly be expected to think of what, where, and who we want to be in 5 months? Let alone in 5 years!

Fair enough.

It's reasonable.

Nobody is arguing.

However, it does matter if you do expect a better future for yourself:

  • Fulfilled and calm.

  • Healthier and wealthier.

  • Surrounded by love and deep connections.

So, with that in mind — who you are & what you do today matters way more than what you're currently doing about it!

This "Dream Life" doesn't just come overnight.

Remember — plants don't just sprout like that.

They need to be nurtured.


Taken care of.

With daily attention, focus, effort, and energy.

In other words — WORK.

Everybody wants the best results. But nobody is willing to put in the work that gets them there.”

And that's the biggest problem I see in today's society.

Our phones, the internet, and our social media consumption have addicted us to wanting everything instantaneously.

  • No more waiting for shipping.

  • No more slow-loading websites.

  • No more ads interrupting your TV shows.

We want something. We get it.

Scientifically, our brains continually are getting exposed, wired, and reinforced to look out for cheap & quick dopamine.

That's what "passively scrolling on Instagram" does to your brain — you're continually reinforcing this loop of wanting & receiving quick dopamine "hits".

Studies have shown it's the same cravings that addicts get from substance abuse.

As such, your brain is simply unable to think of your future self.

This is why those who are able to think 2 steps ahead & act accordingly are seen as the new 1% in our society.

And let me tell you, it's not that hard!

Because the bar has never been lower.

Reading that should encourage you, my friends!

You, too, can become the person who puts in a little bit more effort today to be a lot more fulfilled tomorrow.

That's why you hear me saying it time and time again —

Intentionality is and can be your best friend.

But only if you practice it consistently.

Get in the habit of asking yourself the question, am I being intentional with this decision?

Because at the end of the day — everything that you do or not do is fully based on a decision that you took.

And that's the secret.

Pausing before you act.

Reminding yourself that you have this power to think 2 steps ahead.

  • How would I like to feel about this tomorrow?

  • Will I look back in regret if I do this right now?

  • What would be different next year if I didn't do this?

It's not like I'm suggesting you pause for 3 hours to plan, plot, and strategize about which action will be most beneficial for you...

(which may definitely be worth it depending on the scale of said action)

I'm simply asking you to pause for a few seconds... or even for a few minutes.

That brief pause can really be the catalyst for you finally living out that dream life you've always envisioned yourself.

But the secret is not just doing it once.

It's incorporating this practice into each and every small-scale decision you make throughout your days.

  • From procrastinating to handling it now.

  • From touching your phone first thing to journaling instead.

  • From rushing out to planning ahead, walking & getting your steps in.

By making this a core habit of your Life & Being you will, in no time, confidently be walking around as someone who in 5 years will be able to look back proudly.

The best way to test this out, my friends?

Go to your freezer.

Is your ice tray empty or full?

The next time you empty it, pause and ask yourself:

Will I be grateful tomorrow that I took a few seconds to refill this now? Or will I feel that instant frustration of wanting ice and realizing I didn’t think ahead?

It’s a small choice, but it reflects a larger truth:

Your future self is shaped by what you do today.

The choice is yours. It always was.

Thanks for reading.

Happy Saturday & Much Love,
