The Message I Wish Everyone Could Hear

Read time: 2 minutes

I’ve been getting a lot of DMs recently.

Old friends, college classmates, people from my LinkedIn network — all reaching out with the same observation:

“Julian, I’ve never met anyone who seems so aligned with what they’re doing.”

They say it with a mix of curiosity, admiration, and sometimes… sadness.

Why sadness?

Because they don’t feel that same alignment in their own lives.

They tell me they’re stuck doing things for money, to please their parents, or because society handed them a script.

And that breaks my heart.

Life Is Too Short for Misalignment

We didn’t come to this Earth to spend our days doing things we hate.

We weren’t placed here to follow someone else’s idea of what our Life should look like.

You were meant for more.

  • To lean into the unknown.

  • To do things that scare you.

  • To create a life that feels meaningful, exciting, & true to YOU.

But here’s the problem:

So many people don’t even know what they truly want.

Not because they’re incapable of figuring it out. But because they’ve never taken the time to listen to themselves.

Attention Is the New Currency

How can you know what matters to you if you never give yourself the attention, focus, and energy to figure it out?

If you’re constantly distracted by the noise of the world, you’ll never hear the quiet voice inside you.

The one that already knows what you want.

Here’s the truth:

  • You don’t need to have everything figured out.

  • You don’t need a perfect plan.

  • You just need to start.

The only way to find alignment is to move toward it.

Yes, it’s scary. Yes, it’s uncomfortable. Yes, the unknown feels risky.

But nothing changes unless you’re willing to take that first step.

Trust me, your dreams are worth it.

Studies have shown time and time again that faith is the biggest predictor of success.

Not just religious faith — but faith in:

  • Life.

  • The process.

  • And most importantly, yourself.

When you believe in yourself, something incredible happens.

Your brain goes to work.

It starts solving problems. It starts finding opportunities. It starts proving to you that you’re capable of doing the impossible.

But without faith?

You’ll never start.

The Hard Truth

If fear, discomfort, or the unknown is holding you back, let me tell you this:

Those things don’t go away.

But every time you act in spite of them, you build something stronger.

Confidence. Courage. Momentum.

And those are what carry you forward.

So, my friend:

What are you waiting for?

That big dream you’ve been putting off? Start it.

That bold move you’ve been too scared to make? Take it.

You are beyond capable of doing hard things.

Don’t wait until you feel ready — because ready is a lie.

All that matters is starting.

Here’s my challenge for you:

Today, take one action.

No matter how small.

Because the moment you start moving, you’ll prove to yourself that you’re capable of so much more.

Faith is what gets you started. Action is what keeps you going.

Thanks for reading!

Much Love,


PS. What’s one big dream you’ve been putting off? Reply to this email — I’d love to hear it and help you take that first step.