The Mistake I Won’t Be Making Again

Read time: 3 minutes

My travelling journeys have officially begun.

As I sit and write today’s letter, I’m sitting at a coffee shop in the beautiful city of London.

  • Black cabs everywhere.

  • Huge melting pot of cultures.

  • Surprisingly sunny & warm weather.

As I look in front of me, I can’t help but feel sorry for my old self.

Last year, when I first started my online journey — I was stubborn.

I wanted only to work from the comfort of my desk.

Every time I got invited to work at a coffee shop, I declined.

If I got invited to travel with my father, I declined.

Anything that required me to step beyond my own quarters was an automatic "no."

Today, however, 9 and so months later — the story couldn’t be more different.

  • I barely want to stay at home.

  • I want to explore & travel as much as possible.

  • I don’t even want to stay at my desk for more than 3x/week.

What changed?

I realized that by confining myself to my home, I was limiting my ideas and creativity.

I was restricting my inspiration.

Which isn’t to say that I wasn’t able to be creative at home (I produced most of my content so far from there!) — I simply felt myself stagnating & creating different variations of the same content over & over.

It was time for something new.

Different seasons, different environments.

We all know the benefits of travelling.

Especially when you do so alone.

And I’m finally getting to do that.

In less than 12 hours on my first day, I’ve already gained fresh perspectives and ideas that might never have surfaced if I had stayed home.

And let me please talk about the beauty of an international network.

Thanks to posting online for so long & connecting with people worldwide, I genuinely have friends in every corner of the world.

I just had lunch with my coach, Alex, whom I met online earlier in March.

Later, I’m meeting another coach who I’ve only chatted with briefly online.

Tomorrow, I’m meeting a copywriter I’ve worked with (online!) for a while too.

Think of the infinite possibilities my friends.

There’s room for synergies and collaborations like no tomorrow.

I get to spend time with people I may have otherwise never met if it wasn’t for the internet.

And although I won’t be alone for long, I know this is only the beginning.

I’m happy to share that I’ll be travelling with my father again.

Something I haven’t done in over 5 years.

(Besides family holidays & vacations, of course).

I’m talking “business travels”.

For his work, he spends a lot of his time travelling.

And ever since I’ve made a move back to our home town last year, he constantly invited me on trips with him.

Just like we used to do before I turned 18.

Which was right when I moved out & went to college.

But, before that — I travelled with him everywhere.

If I look back, I can attribute a big percentage of my ability to coach people — at such a young age — to these trips.

I would spend 90% of the time with people triple my age.

Always hearing & listening to all their “business talk”.

Spending time at the back of conference rooms & board meetings, absorbing everything & learning so much about what to do & most importantly, what not to do.

It was the best internship & learning experience for any teenager to take part in.

Evidently, back then, if you were to ask me… I would’ve said otherwise.

Aside from my delight at taking in new cultures & cities, I remember not always loving the “business time” (which was 90% of the trip as I said).

Today, looking back — I’m beyond grateful.


I can see how putting a teenager through those experiences shapes & helps him grow in ways beyond imaginable.

Therefore, with all this in mind — when my father tried his luck again this time, I couldn’t decline.

I recalled everything I had already learned and couldn’t contain my excitement for the incredible experiences I was about to dive into.

Not to mention the countless new people and connections I would make.

And the stream of fresh ideas that would brew in my subconscious as I embraced new surroundings, environments, and energies.

Therefore, I’m taking it upon myself to share as much of these journeys as possible.

From YouTube Vlogs to Newsletter Stories — I’ll be dissecting my biggest learnings & favourite moments from my upcoming trips in the next few months.

I realize how blessed I am to be getting this opportunity.

And I can tell you genuinely, I will not be taking it for granted.

Not one bit.

So with that, I’m looking forward to taking you along with me.

In the meantime, before the travels — I’ve been working heavily on putting together an incredible workshop for you all.

It’ll be entirely free of charge for this one.

For more details, please click HERE.

10 spots have already been secured. Reserve yours now!

More emails to come on that in the following days.

Till then, stay tuned & much love!
