Read time: 6.5 minutes

The moment we were all waiting for.

My newest creation.

The Vision Funnel Framework.

Alas, here it is.

I first tried & tested this framework on myself not too long ago.

At the end of July, on a plane back home, I had the idea of putting together a free online Webinar/Workshop.

This idea came to me very organically.

A lot of my letters, online content, & coaching sessions surrounded the concept of one's Life Purpose.

I was writing so much about that (& I still do) — that my friends, family members, and clients started reaching out to me about it.

  • “How does one find their purpose?”

  • “How do I know if I've even found it?”

  • “Once found, is it enough to keep me going?”

Therefore, seeing that there were this many questions surrounding this topic plus given my dream of coaching & giving talks in front of many at once...

it only seemed fitting to create & put together a workshop.

But it was thanks to these questions that I was able to nail down the actual topic for the workshop.

Because lots of other folks out there have already spoken publicly about one’s Life purpose or one's true calling.

I wanted to switch things up a bit.

And that's when the topic of "Hunger" came to me.

A term I first heard from my father.

Who never held back from letting my brother & I know that it was something we both were missing in our lives.

Therefore, due to knowing & hearing about it non-stop during my childhood growing up, it was the most ideal topic to make a workshop about.

Since the end of July, I've spent at least 2 hours a day researching & discovering everything else there is to know about "Hunger”.

That drive, determination, & passion that we all have access to.

But for now, back to The VFF. 

You can find out more on The Power of Hunger during the workshop (sign up here for free to reserve your spot!).

So I knew that my big overarching vision here was to build a successful workshop.

What does that look like for me?

Well, all limited spots need to be filled up.

I want the attendees to leave the workshop feeling eager, excited, & clear on how to apply the concepts & tools taught in their own lives.

Lastly, I expect the host (me) to share everything there is to share about the topic in the most valuable, yet digestible form possible.

That’s my intention.

I won't lie to you though. Thinking of all these things initially & early on scared me.

That little voice inside my head (aka the Ego) repeatedly mentioned:

  • What if nobody shows up?

  • What if I stumble on my words?

  • What if it's not as valuable as it can be?

Notice the pattern, my friends.

These are all "What if's".


There is no truth to them.

Your Ego lives off fear & worry. It can only grow & continue dominating your life if fear & worry are present.

“But Julian, fear, worry, & uncertainty are normal & almost unavoidable in Life. You always say that yourself!”


Nothing in Life isn't uncertain. It is indeed one of the aspects of reality that we all need to accept.

However, although we know this... it doesn't mean we can't reduce or minimize the uncertainty, worry, or fear.

Please think of this for your own dreams & big visions.

Whether your biggest intention in Life is to give speeches & talks in fronts of hundreds (like one of mine!) or whether it's to build your own successful business & make an impact in this world, or whether it's to become the best actor Hollywood has ever laid eyes on.

Nothing is too big for this community.

If you've been a part of Mornings w/ Julian, you're no stranger to the concept of dreaming. You know it's free of charge. You know it's not only restricted to children.

So please continue dreaming big. Nobody is judging nor stopping you.

If you're new here, welcome. You can now start dreaming too.

The average person — that who adheres to society's formalities & expectations of how the world should work or run — will think this vision or dream of yours is "crazy".

  • "Unrealistic."

  • "Improbable."

  • "Far-fetched."

How to know if you're dream is actually big & crazy?

Get any of those words as a response from somebody who tends to adhere to society's standards when you share that vision with them.

If that takes place, consider yourself on the right path.

This is truly why only a select few have been able to turn their wildest dreams into reality.

They were crazy enough to believe in them.

Even more powerfully — they were so crazy they believed in themselves so much.

Plus, they were hungry. And when you're hungry, anything is possible.

Now, think of that big big dream of yours.

Write it down.

This dream will be above the funnel. In the clouds.

It's the overarching theme that holds & brings this funnel to life in the first place.

This framework cannot exist without an intention in mind to stand at the top.

The VFF, Julian Saad

Once you have this intention — which remember, it can be as "small" as organizing an online workshop or as "big" as losing 5kg & having a six-pack (note: "small" and "big" are subjective & relative depending on the individual in question) — you can move onto the Top of the Funnel (ToF).

Level 3 — Dream Summit

This level represents the key elements that need to be in place for you to start feeling like you are on the path to achieving your vision.

These are the tangible actions and conditions that make your vision feel real and attainable.

So for me to start feeling like the workshop is useful & people are getting tremendous value from it, that all spots are filled up, & that I know the concept so damn well... a few things need to take place:

  • Bonuses & gifts for attendees are completed & ready to share

  • Know the workshop content so well that it will be presented confidently

  • People I've mentioned the workshop to have been followed up with & reminded regularly

These are just a few examples. When I first did it, this list was longer.

If I perform these actions as described & laid out, the likelihood of my overarching vision or dream taking place is much higher.

However, these actions are still of "high friction". Meaning, they are still somewhat "challenging" or "complex" to start with off the bat. They can be overwhelming.

Which is why many of your dreams tend to remain as just dreams...

They seem so unmanageable. You never know where or how to start... and as a result, you remain paralyzed.

No action.

This is why this framework is powerful.

It allows you to break down this BIG vision into more tangible, easily-trackable, & concrete steps. Ultimately, making it as clear as day for you on what can be done starting today.

Let's move on.

Level 2 — The Elevator

This level involves the preparatory steps and systems that need to be in place to support The Dream Summit.

These are the actions that ensure you can consistently perform all the tasks you laid out at Level 3.

In my case, for the workshop, they look like this:

  • Design and create bonuses or gifts, such as an e-book

  • Practice delivering the workshop content multiple times

  • Create a schedule for following up with potential attendees

Do you see how this list of tasks directly feeds into making sure that the previously laid out list in Level 3 is completed?

By creating a follow-up schedule and preparing bonuses, I ensure that potential attendees are reminded and incentivized to sign up.

Rehearsing the content & preparing helps me deliver a smooth & confident workshop.

Putting together an eBook about Hunger increases the likelihood that I know the topic "so damn well".

Level 1 — The Launchpad

This level consists of the immediate, actionable steps you can take today to start building momentum.

These are the small, manageable tasks that set the stage for the higher levels.

List of Actions:

  • Brainstorm and outline the bonus eBook

  • Develop a detailed outline of the workshop content

  • Make a list of people who might be interested & start reaching out

Do you see how these actions, if done as suggested, make sure that all tasks in Level 2 are a reality?

This is the lowest level of the funnel.

It's the most manageable, lowest friction items you can start working on currently.

Don't think of Level 2 or Level 3 right now.

The big overarching vision is there to guide, remind you, & keep the main direction in mind. It's your "why" — your reasons for doing these tasks today.


The beauty of The VFF is its versatility.

Whether your vision is related to health, relationships, or wealth creation, the framework helps you break down your big intentions into manageable steps.

Remember this to apply it to different areas of your life (in this order):

  1. Identify Your Overarching Vision: Clearly define what you want to achieve. This is your big, crazy intention that drives you.

  2. Determine Level 3 Actions: Identify the key elements that need to be in place for you to start feeling like you are on the path to achieving your vision.

  3. Set Up Level 2 Systems: Develop the preparatory steps and systems that support the foundation. These actions ensure you can consistently perform the tasks at Level 3.

  4. Take Level 1 Actions: Focus on the immediate, actionable steps you can take today to start building momentum. These small tasks set the stage for the higher levels.

The VFF, Julian Saad

When you reverse-engineer it & go down this way, it's all laid out for you.

You end up with an exact roadmap of what needs to be done.

The list of action items you put together at every level can also serve as a checklist to know when to move on.

By following this structured approach, you can ensure that each level supports the next, ultimately leading to the realization of your overarching vision.

This framework helps you stay focused, motivated, and on track as you work towards your biggest & wildest dreams.

Never stop dreaming, my friends.

But, please do remember — dreaming is nothing if no actions are taken to turn them into reality.

The Vision Funnel Framework allows you to take what started as a baby thought/idea in your head to a big reality that others can see, benefit, & participate in with you.

The biggest factor that makes or breaks this?


Nothing else. Nobody else.

You can do it.

That's it.

Thanks for reading.

Happy Saturday!

Much love,
