Time To Update Your OS

Read time: 4 minutes

Electronic devices.

That’s the one thing we all here have in common.

If you’re reading this right now, by default you have access to an electronic device.

One that is connected to the internet as well.

This means you are familiar with updates.

System updates to be more specific.

All your electronic devices, whether it’s

  • Your iPads

  • Your phones

  • Your laptops or PCs

… all have to undergo System or Software updates every so often.

And you don’t question it.

You do the update because in return you expect your device to function & operate at a higher level.

Well, my friends, your mind & life at large function in the exact same way.

“Oh… that’s where he was going with this.”

Due to the fact that your entire being & life is ever-evolving… the systems you uphold need to evolve as well.

The systems you currently have in place are perfect for the results you are already getting.

Therefore, if you are feeling

  • Unsatisfied

  • Personally unfulfilled

  • Unable to do the things you’ve always wanted to do

Take a second to realize that it’s all because of your current systems.

If your intention is to

  • Put on more muscle

  • Start a business & make more money

  • Become a person worthy of attracting an incredible partner

Then this intention will only remain an intention without systems and commitment!!

An intention is something you want.

It’s half-hearted.

It’s “fluff”. You say it & put it out in the world hoping it may happen… but you know, deep down, it most likely won’t.

You will never fulfil your intention of becoming fluent in Italian (for example) if you never commit to going to that class.

What allows you to fulfil that commitment?



There are two kinds of systems for you to use to turn your intentions into commitments.

Because remember… intentions are commitments upheld by systems.

1) Hard Systems

  • Alarms

  • Routines

  • Minute-by-minute plans to keep you accountable

Plan ahead.


Use technology & tools as reminders.

Then, all that's left to do is execute.

These are easy to use. But also easy to ignore.

Set more than one if you know you have a tendency to ignore them.

But… at some point, it’s about being & keeping your word for yourself.

Nobody will be there to make sure you listen to the alarm and do what you got to do.

That’s when the second kind comes in:

2) Soft Systems

The highest level of commitment

It's the Superpower of Motherly Devotion.

A mother would never let her child starve.

  • No matter the day of the year

  • Who the president is

  • Or if a pandemic wipes out the grocery shelves

It's an internal thing.

Deep within you.

If you’re not a mother, compare this to your life’s purpose.

Your WHY.

Ask yourself — why do you want to put on more muscle?

Why do you wanna be financially free?

Or why do you want to become the best version of yourself?

This is what drives your daily actions & what gets you out of bed in the mornings.

This is a Soft System.

There is nothing nor anybody there to keep you accountable or remind you of what to do.

The idea is that your deep desire for change is strong enough that it’s more than enough to get you to commit.

And if not… your WHY just isn’t strong enough.

Iterate, Iterate, Iterate

If your initial systems don’t work or aren’t water-tight enough just yet… don’t worry.

The whole point is that you will need a Systems Update every so often.

You will only know what needs updating if you put in the work & ultimately collect data.

The more work you put in, the more data you collect (on what works and what doesn’t), thereby allowing you to iterate accordingly.

Life is a constant game of iteration.

I invite you to see everything in your life as a reference point for data collection.

No such thing as good or bad.

It just is.

It’s there to help & guide your next Systems Update.

Remember the technology & electronic device analogy we started this letter with.

Everything, including us as humans, will become “outdated“.

Specifically in our way of operating in life.

As innovations take place rapidly around us, we, too, need to update & re-optimize our life battery in order to operate more efficiently.

If you want to reach new heights and self-actualize, you need to put new systems in place that will continually develop and update just as you continually evolve in the landscape of life.

My Invitation

Therefore, my friends, to close off… I invite you to do the following.

  1. Set a 10-minute timer.

  2. List out all your current intentions in life (learning a language, hitting the gym 3x/week, etc.)

  3. Once the timer is over, re-arrange them in order of priority.

  4. Take the intention that sits at the top of that list & implement the systems (hard, soft, or both) that will keep you accountable & turn it into a commitment.

  5. Take a crack at it, collect data, and iterate where necessary.

  6. Once it’s water-tight… make your way down the rest of the list. One by one.

This is how you slowly but surely take your highest desires in life (i.e. your intentions) and turn them into accountability systems & “how to’s” to guide you in your day-to-day.

This is how you stay committed.

This is how you get what you want in life.

There is a 100% correlation between what you want in life and how much you are being (& keeping) your word.

Your intentions are the initial seed. They are the start.

Your ideal outcome (where you want to be) is the final point.

And your commitment is the journey. The continuation (or reps) that get you there.

An intention is nothing without a system (or routine) to uphold it.

If intentions are the initial seed, the commitment is what gets the plant to sprout.

The systems are what help bring the commitment to life.

Don’t sleep on this folks. It can be life-changing.

(If you allow it to)

Thanks for reading.

Reply directly back to this email if you’d like me to prod & check how water-tight your systems are.

See you again on Saturday.

Much love,


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