Train Your Mind to See What Matters

Read time: 3 minutes

Did you know…

You don’t see the world as it truly is.

Every moment, your brain filters millions of bits of information.

It’s quite challenging to process everything. So, your mind creates shortcuts, focusing only on what it deems important.

And here’s the kicker:

YOU decide what’s important.

Your thoughts, beliefs, and experiences act like a lens through which you see reality.

They don’t just colour your view of the world — they shape it entirely.

This is why two people can experience the same event but interpret it completely differently.

We don’t see the world directly.

We see it through the lens of what we choose to focus on.

For me, this was an empowering revelation.

It meant that I had full control, choice, & ownership over what I saw.

And therefore, by default — what I felt and ultimately produced.

In both my Life and business.

Why was this such an eye-opener?

Well, for the longest time, I lived my Life on autopilot.

Every thought, emotion, and action I had was just a recycled version of what I’d experienced the day before.

I had wired my brain to repeatedly produce the same patterns of thought, creating slightly different versions of the same reality — day after day.

Neurons that fire together, wire together.”

Donald Hebb

The less you question your current thoughts, ideas, and beliefs, the stronger they become. And the stronger they become, the more they shape the reality you keep living.

So, in other words, if you're not satisfied with the depth of your relationships, your generated income, and the state of your health...

It may well be a clear sign to start questioning.

In all honesty — noticing & acceptance is the first & hardest hurdle.

It's not easy to acknowledge that you're not living the Life you know you're capable of.

But at times, confronting harsh truths like those is exactly what's needed to propel forward most productively.

After all, as humans, we're ever-evolving.

Time keeps moving. Whether you like it or not.

As such, you have a clear decision and choice to make about whether you want to be intentional with your evolution.

Either you let Life happen to you or for you.

So, have you decided yet?


Now, this is where it gets fun.

Since the world you experience is shaped by where you place your focus, living with intentionality isn’t just important — it’s essential.

From my experience coaching over 350 people this past year, one thing has become clear:

Living with intention separates those who thrive from those who are simply surviving.

The good news for you?

It just takes One More.

Let me explain.

Life coach, author, & speaker Ed Mylett (best-selling author of The Power of One More & a leader in peak performance) popularized the idea of "One More."

The philosophy is simple: Always put in One More…

  • One More rep at the gym.

  • One More small step toward your big dreams.

  • One More thoughtful action in your relationships.

If you commit to always putting in One More effort — whether it’s a conversation, a minute of focus, or an act of courage — your life will exponentially improve.

Try it out.

And treat it like playing a game with yourself.

Whenever you feel your body or mind telling you that you can't do more sit-ups for example...

Just put in One More rep.

Whenever you feel your Ego rising after a comment your spouse made and feel the urge to argue...

Just put in One More deep breath.

The essence of this philosophy is to intentionally train your mind and entire Being to shift your point of focus.

Instead of viewing certain objectives & pursuits as peaks, you're pre-framing and conditioning your brain to see them as continuous mountains that turn out to have no top...

Over time, every One More you add compounds.

The person you used to be begins to shift — developing new perspectives, fresh ideas, and bigger beliefs about what’s possible for yourself and the world around you.

And that’s the key — your beliefs.

Because at the end of the day, your actions are limited by what you believe is possible.

If you think you already know it all, you’ve closed yourself off to the unknown — and that’s where growth happens.

How can you aim for the extraordinary if you’ve already decided it’s out of reach?

Therefore, my friends, if there's one thing I want you to leave with from this letter, it's this:

Whenever you seem to be negative, unproductive, or feeling sluggish — ask yourself…

"Where is my current point of focus?"

After careful and honest consideration, you'll find that you're either focusing on what's missing in your Life, on the things you can't control, and/or on the past...

Your Life is just a series of choices & decisions you've made along the way.

The ultimate best decision you can make?

The first one.

That is, what you choose to focus on.

Your focus is your power. Use it intentionally.

That's it.

Thanks for reading!

Much Love,
