We Keep Moving

Read time: 4 minutes

I'm finding myself again.

Re-discovering new parts that I had lost touch with.

From seeing how I tend to naturally react.

To how I carry myself in my everyday life.

It's interesting to observe & pay attention.

To get a more accurate outlook & perspective on who I am.

For a while now, I genuinely believed I had found my true self:

  • My way of being

  • My curiosities & interests

  • My abilities, skills, & capabilities

Yet, I was far from really knowing.

Although I was fully aware that, as humans, we are ever-evolving, I hadn't taken the time to truly grasp that there's always more that can be learned about oneself.

Practically on a day-to-day basis.

Because "continually evolving" doesn't, by default, mean "continually learning".

Your ongoing evolution doesn't mean much if you don't pause & learn from it:

  • The things you're focusing on

  • The places & environments you're in

  • The people you're surrounding yourself with

To name a few.

Sometimes, taking a step back to evaluate your evolution is crucial.

At least for me — it helped tremendously.

Because although I took a little break from my "work" — it didn't mean I needed to also take a break from myself.

I can still be intentional with my evolution.

I can still journal & write about my observations.

I can still pay close attention to what I'm doing well or not so well.

Just because one thing stops, it doesn't mean everything else needs to stop too.

It's never all or nothing.

Key lesson for me right there.

But, the true beauty of it all, has been seeing the areas I'm still lacking in.

Really introspecting, taking the time to understand why they're happening & how I would like to show up instead.

For the longest time, I thought that the things I did or said would define me for the rest of my life.

But I now know that this isn't a thing.

Fixed personalities do not exist.

We all have our own garden to tend and nurture, with our own unique fertilizer and water.

This varies greatly depending on the person, their upbringing, and their current environment.

It has become clear to me that by being intentional with the fertilizers and water we use, significant change can take place.

  • You can rightfully choose who & what you respond to.

  • You can rightfully choose who & what you spend your time with.

  • You can rightfully choose who & what you want to focus on the day-to-day.

Even better:

You CAN rightfully choose WHO YOU WANT TO BE.

Will it take time? Yes.

Will it be uncomfortable? Yes.

But will it help you?


I assure you.

Every time I feel like I'm out of alignment, I audit myself.

I intentionally make more time for journaling & writing.

More time to get to know myself on an even deeper level than before.

“But Julian, why is that the first step? How is it helpful?”

Because it is truly the only way I can be honest with myself.

I can freely speak to myself about myself.

Nobody is reading it but me.

It also helps me see things in a way I didn't before.

Things that I perhaps was ignoring or purposely neglecting.

Either because I was too afraid to accept or too embarrassed to acknowledge.

But doing exactly that is what has allowed me to see myself from another perspective.

It's what has allowed me to step back and see, with clarity, where I may have been acting as someone or something other than who I truly want to be.

And as a result — today, I feel more aligned.

More sure of my direction & path.

And more content with every aspect of it.

I won't lie to you.

It's not an easy realization.

It wasn't my favourite thing to do.

But, sometimes what you don't want is exactly what you do need.

And that, my friends — is a very important lesson that I will be carrying & taking with me as I continue propelling along in this journey.

I hope this letter today allows you to realize that you are right where you're supposed to be.

Especially if you can't see it.

Even more so if you don't like it.

Accepting what is is essential to continue moving forward.

But that doesn't mean you don't have to do anything.

Please do not confuse it with cowardice, weakness, or giving up.

You can still take action.

You can still do things that allow you to come out of this moment.

Just like I did.

And as my father always said...

There's 1400 solutions to every single problem in life."

But to really find just 1 of them, acceptance of the present moment & current circumstance is what's needed.

That's it.

From there, it's within your control to see how you want it to play out.

With that, thank you for being here & spending some of your time with me today.

I absolutely love writing (& recording) these.

Here's to many more coming your way.

We keep moving!

Much love as always,
