Which Glasses Do You Want?

Read time: 2.5 minutes

If you fear that you’ll never find peace of mind, tranquillity & time to do the things you’ve always wanted but never do…

It’s not because you don’t have enough hours in the day or because your job is endlessly demanding and unpredictable.

But, it’s because you’re mistaking external factors as the root of your emotional turmoil.

When the true problem is an internal sense of disconnection.

Of self-worth.

And a need for self-acceptance.

Sound familiar?

Well, you’re not alone.

This was the very issue that sparked our seminar in Dubai last week, where the team at one of the largest media and publishing companies in the region voiced these same frustrations:

  • Never feeling like they have the time for themselves

  • FOMO & the constant pressure not to miss out

  • Feeling guilty when "doing nothing"

Just to name a few.

Their ever-changing ongoing media jobs keep them on the go.

Basically 24/7.

And because of that, they feel like they can’t catch a break.

Add into it that some have kids, studies, and other objectives to achieve…

It makes everything feel SO much harder.

No wonder their natural reaction is to blame the external world.

I understand them.

And I understand you too.

In those moments, it really does feel like nothing will ever get better unless “those things” change.

  • “When this season ends, things will get calmer & I’ll feel better.”

  • “Life has been extremely hard lately. It’s ruining me.”

  • “I’ll just go out tonight & tomorrow I’ll rest.”

Notice the pattern here, my friends.

You’re giving away your power.

Everybody & everything else has control over you & your life.

As much as it may feel almost impossible to do anything about it, there’s one quick fix.

What is it?

Changing your lens.

There are a million glasses you can choose from.

Many of them tend to distort & make you feel like the world is against you.

Everything is a problem. Everybody bothers you.

However, there’s one different pair.

And that’s the one you want.

Trust me.

It will allow you to see everything as an opportunity.

Had more work than you would’ve liked today?

Your default response (with the pair that everybody has) is to complain, be annoyed, get back home & mindlessly scroll.

These other glasses that I talk about though will be life-changing.

Quite literally.

They help you find the gold & beauty in all the hard, non-stop work you did.

From the new skills you acquired to the lessons you learned.

There’s beauty & greatness in everything.

Even if you can’t see it at first.

And when you end up coming & showing up from that place, you win.

Every. Single. Time.

You’re gaining.

Nothing is being taken away from you.

You’re the one doing the taking.

Now, you’re back in the driver’s seat of your Life.

Therefore, even if things don’t go according to plan,

And you miss out on events you initially were dying to go to,

Or can’t help but feel bad for spending time alone with your thoughts...

Remember to change your glasses.

Did I mention they’re also entirely free of charge?

And better yet, we all have access to them.

Doesn’t matter who you are.

Where you are.

Or what you’re doing.

The difference is, only a few will remember this choice when the hard moments return.

And at the end of the day, those are the same people that will end up with that peace of mind, tranquillity, & all the time in the world...

to still work while managing to remain active, healthy, & social.

All the things that everybody else wants.

But that nobody is willing to put in the work to find out how to get there.

I know that’s not you, though.

So keep moving.

You’re closer than you think.

Change your lens, change your world.

Thanks for reading my friends.

Much love as always,
