Who are you BEING?

Read time: 3.5 minutes

You tend to live most of your life on autopilot. 

With unconscious thoughts that take control of you. 

That guide you. 

That take the driver’s seat and tell you what to do. 

But what if I told you, you are separate from that?

What if I told you, your self is different from the self?

As woo-woo as that may sound, it’s true. 

That self (your mind, thoughts, & inner voice) is separate from your self (the real you & your deeper inner being). 

Your thoughts do not have to be interacted with. 

They do not have to be listened to. 

For me, at least this is rather comforting. 

This means that whenever I think an unpleasant thought, that then will lead to an associated feeling of anxiety or worry — I can change that. 

I can create something new out of it. 

Firstly, I do not have to listen to it. 

And secondly, I can just let it pass and be what it is. 

It’s not good or bad. It just is.” 

That’s the power of your mind, my friends. 

You can create it all. 

And you can choose what you create. 

Creative vs Passive Ideas

Two kinds of thoughts and ideas. 

Passive ideas are those that are unconscious and that usually, for most, drive your life. 

These are thoughts that the inner voice inside your head creates without much input. 

Without any intention

In other words, you didn’t choose them. 

We all have thoughts like these. 

They are usually the ones you adhere to and choose to believe, eventually making you feel 

  • Worse

  • Anxious

  • Confused 

We don’t like them. 

Creative ideas or thoughts, on the other hand, are those you create consciously

Keyword: intentionality

Remember, my friends, be an owner of your life. 

Creative thoughts are you creating what you want to think. 

In my case, one of my creative thoughts is “In my daily life & actions, I want to operate from a place of love and kindness.” 

Notice that these thoughts are future-oriented. 

They are aspirational. Which by nature makes them a possibility

This is important to understand.

I am not here to tell you how exactly the mind works. 

I am here to share with you how it works for me, offering a possibility, which in turn may work for you too. 

From Seeds to Sprouts 

Consider the following analogy. 

The thought you create is the seed. 

The being you choose to embody based on that thought is the commitment. 

The doing comes from the being which is what brings it to life & allows the plant to sprout. 

It all starts with the thought you 

  • create

  • nurture

  • choose to believe in 

We all have this power of choice. 

As human beings, what separates us is our consciousness. 

It’s powerful. 

We all have the capacity to do it. 

Who you choose to BE is the most important decision you can make in your life. 

Your way of being is 100% correlated to the way in which you will show up in the world. 

The way you think (in general & about yourself) is the way in which you will see the world. 

It’s the way in which you will show up.

The being is what then creates the doing. 

In every moment of your life, you have the choice to pause. 

To gift yourself some space. 

Some time away. 

To then decide how you want to react. How it is you want to think. 

Take a second to understand how the system works. 

Fresh & new thought is always coming in. 

One of your mind’s primary jobs is to continually produce “random” thought. 

Do not interfere with old thought as new thought is right around the corner. 

There is nothing for you to do. 

Meditation isn’t about shutting the thinking up. 

It’s about BEING

Being with the thought. 

Getting familiar with it. 

The being creates the doing. 

Therefore, my friends, choose who it is you want to BE

Show up as that in your daily life. 

“But how Julian? How?!”

Cultivate the habit. 

We all know how habits work. 

It’s all about routine. 

Let go of your old routine. Create a new one. 

Commit to a new one. 

Be your word (to yourself). 

Practice it for yourself. 

If you can be your word & show up on time at work or for a family dinner, you can be your word with anything else, anywhere else. 

In this case… committing to continually remind yourself who you’re BEING

My intention to BE someone who spreads love & kindness is what allows me to show up as exactly that. 

If you plant an apple seed, you will grow an apple tree.

Plant your own seed in your own mind. 

Become that through daily commitment

And watch how your daily actions (& the doing of it all) are what bring that being to life. 

Who you’re BEING is everything. 

I invite you to reflect on who you want to BE in your everyday life. 

Then, commit yourself to showing up as just that. 

Next Wednesday, I’ll be showing you how to use different kinds of systems to keep you accountable and honour your word (& your commitments). 

Till then, have a beautiful weekend. Stay positive. 

And never stop smiling. 

Happy Saturday. 

Much love,


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