Why I Stopped Setting Resolutions

Read time: 3 minutes

The time has come, my friends.

When we all somehow start feeling more

  • Hopefully and inspired

  • Motivated to do things we haven't before

  • Excited to dive into new hobbies we've put off for years

The beginning of a new year always feels like a clean slate.

As if our lives are a blank canvas ready to be painted from scratch.

But — let’s be honest. The associated feelings of excitement only last a certain amount.

The hope you feel today often fades within just 2 weeks.

Looking back, it was just temporary. A fleeting feeling.

Somehow, in some mysterious way, you convince yourself that you're not equipped to chase this "goal" in the way you thought you were when you first set it.


Your internal compass of belief was off.

You're only setting the adventurous & big goal on January 1st because the start of the new year is convincing enough that maybe "this year will be different".

That, my friend, is a belief.

But... what would be different if you allowed yourself to believe in that same way on any other day of the year?

What if March 18th or August 2nd carried the same energy, hope, and possibility as January 1st?

Because, after all — the only thing & factor that matters here is you.

Your faith in the situation & your ability to achieve it.

Let's go over some facts:

80% of people abandon their New Year's resolutions by February.

Why? Because past failures create a cycle of doubt and disappointment, making it easier to give up than to try again.

Well, guess what?

This is your year and your chance to change the pattern up a bit.

For starters, focus on routines instead of resolutions or goals this 2025.

Goals go hand in hand with fixed mindsets.

They keep you restricted.

And once they're set — you end up needing to do whatever it takes to make sure you achieve said goal.

"But Julian, I don't get it. You're telling me to achieve great heights but not set goals?"


Imagine how much further you could take this big vision of yours if you were to set intentions instead.

These are more malleable.

They welcome a growth mindset. One that allows you to adapt, iterate, & evolve the "resolution" as you go through it.

So as you build a new routine in 2025, every “mini-intention” you set along the way will create:

  • Lessons learned.

  • Golden insights & data about what works for you.

  • New experiences that reshape your perspective.

Often, these small actions are so impactful that they completely change your trajectory — shifting not just your outcomes, but also how you see yourself and approach challenges moving forward.

“Okay. I see where you're going with this. It makes sense. But doesn't the malleability of intentions make it too loose & therefore less likely to be fulfilled?”

Great question.

This is why when we set those "baby-mini intentions" throughout our day, we do so specifically.

Meaning they're required to be tangible & specific.

Quantifiable or qualifiable in nature:

How do I want to feel after [insert action that brings me 1% closer to my big vision]?

How many [insert number of reps or tasks] do I intend to complete before finishing this activity?

Please notice how specific these are without restricting you.

Because let me tell you, I don't always match my stated intentions.

Sometimes, I don’t feel the way I intended to after a big client presentation or strategy meeting.

And that's more than okay.

Because my set intention is there to guide me.

After all — 90% of it is simply showing up.

Especially when you consider that many people today quit entirely if they don’t achieve their goal on the very first attempt.

"I didn't do it yesterday, so I already messed up. No point to try today."

That's what the rigidity of "goals" brings forward.

So as you enter this new year, my friends — I invite you to audit your current routines & lifestyle.

Then, spot the gaps. Ask yourself what the #1 vision you have in 2025 & see which gap seems most related to that.

Start with that one.

And as you do — what's 1 intention (just 1 for now) you can set to be your guiding light as you navigate through these waters?

If you need more guidance on this, feel free to reach out to me. I'll be happy to help you audit & see what intentions are waiting for you.

With that, I wish you all a beautiful start to your new routine-setting year.

And of course — here’s to a 2025 filled with intentions that fuel your growth and align with the person you’re meant to become!

Thanks for reading!

Happy New Year & Much love,
