How To Win At Life

The biggest lie they tell you:

"You only need to be honest to look good to others."

Here’s the truth (and why you need integrity for yourself first):

You're whole life, you've been told to:

  • Be honest

  • Have honour

  • Value others & work hard

And although these are true — the main element missing is that you're not supposed to do it only with & for others.

Because you keep neglecting the most important person with whom it needs to be done...


You don't realize the limiting impacts that defaulting on your word (to yourself) ends up having on your self-worth, self-image, & self-esteem.

Ever since you can remember, you’ve been told to honour your word and do the things you say you will do — for others.

  • "Don’t flake on plans"

  • "Don’t be a fake friend"

  • "Don’t gossip or speak poorly behind their backs"

But this whole time, no one has once told you to...

  • Not flake on your own plans with yourself

  • Not be a fake friend and a poor advocate for yourself

  • Not gossip or speak poorly about yourself — to others or to yourself

You think you know what "integrity" means... but you don't.

So, let me tell you.

Integrity is the integration between what you say & what you do.

99% of the people I know have no integrity.


Cause they don't keep the promises they make to themselves.

  • They don't go to the gym at the time they said they would.

  • They don't read or journal when they said they would.

  • They don't sleep at the time they said they would.

The common thread?

Saying one thing.

But, doing another.


And the more this happens — the more they build the muscle & send the signal to their brain that they are not the priority.

Everything else takes precedence.

Everybody else is more important:

  • Their clients & work

  • Their spouses & children

  • Their friends & social plans

Don't get me wrong though.

I'm not saying these other people are not important.

Of course they are.

But not like this!

Re-distribute the love a little bit towards yourself.

Currently, your love bucket for yourself is in a deficit.

The good news?

You don't need to stop giving love to others.

You simply need to re-distribute & send some more of it towards yourself.


Start by keeping the promises you make to yourself.

  • If you say you're going to read a chapter a day of a book, do that.

  • If you say you're going to the gym tomorrow at 8 am, do that.

  • If you say you're going to walk 10k steps a day, do that.

Say it. Then, do it.

We all have areas in our lives where we are currently not maintaining our integrity.

If this is you in any way, I invite you to do the following:

1. Sit down with yourself. Alone.

2. Write those areas down.

3. Be as honest as possible. Nobody else is reading it but you.

4. Find 1 area you want to work on first.

5. Start with that one.

Don't overwhelm yourself here.

The main mistake people make is to want to focus on 2 or 3 areas at once.

But all this does is add more pressure & ultimately they don't even achieve to work on 1.

Don't make the same mistake.

It's all baby steps.

Start small.

Once you do it in one area — you've shown to yourself that you can do it again in another.

And the more you do it, the more you build that muscle.

Self-growth & personal development are no different than bodybuilding at the gym.

No bodybuilder starts with the biggest & largest weight when they first enter the gym.

They start with the one that is most adequate for their current physique level.

It's the same thing here for you.

Start with the one that is best for you at this current moment.

“But what will happen if I do this, Julian?”

You will unlock a new level of power.

A power that is almost indescribable.

The more you can do the things that you say you will do, the more you are showing to yourself that you are an honest & integral person.

In other words — you constantly build that muscle of integrity & make it clear that anything you say will become a reality.

If you can keep your word to yourself in every aspect of your daily life, what’s stopping you from saying, "I want to make a billion dollars," and actually achieving it?

Or saying "I want a six-pack" & getting that?

You guessed it right.


When your word becomes as good as gold, you become truly unstoppable.

The more integrity you have — by saying what you mean & meaning what you say:

  • The healthier you'll look,

  • The more money you'll make,

  • The stronger relationships you'll build with yourself & the world around you.

It's a guarantee.

If, and only if, you do it consistently…

Remember — you create everything with the language & the words that come out of your mouth.

The easiest & first step is starting to do this with yourself.

Then, start practising it with the people around you.

This was something that I wish I had realized earlier.

And the best part is — I'm still learning how to get better at it daily.

Even if I spend the next decade actively doing what I say — there will always be more room for improvement & iterations.

But, that's the beauty of it all.

It's a never-ending game.

How do you start playing?

Taking one action.

What's that one action you ask?

Keeping. The. Promises. You. Make. To. Yourself.

I'm sounding like a broken record. But, repetition is your best friend.


It really makes things simple.

  • No need for overcomplication.

  • No need for stress.

  • No need for anxiety.

When you honour your word, you find true freedom.

It’s not too late to start, my friends.

It'll truly be life-changing.

Thank you for reading.

Have a beautiful weekend.

Much love,
