Working On My Dream

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I love my work.

Working with people has always been my dream.

Although I was lost for a few years & unclear on the direction I wanted to take my life in... there was one thing I knew for certain.

And that was working with others.

I was 100% sure that the thing I would wake up to every single morning & be excited to get to would surround or involve other people in one way or another.

My previous experience proves this.

Whether it was in the fashion/modelling industry, in the DJ & Events industry, or even in every other part-time job I've had (which was as a Sales rep)... the main overarching theme was my ability to interact & engage with other humans.

Today, I'm living my dream.

I get to work with whomever I want.

Even better:

It's whenever I want.

And wherever I want!

It doesn't get much better than that.

But you know what I love more?

Creating incredible experiences & conversations with the people I work with.

And as a matter of fact, one of the most memorable ones took place just last week.

With a new client I recently started working with.

Before embarking on our new coaching journey together, this client shared with me his "big, crazy, & unrealistic vision".

A vision that every single person has.

You have it too.

That dream of yours that's too big to feel real.

That dream of yours that you're too scared to share with others.

That dream of yours that seems too unrealistic even for you so you do nothing about it.

However, I like my clients to share these with me. Because one of the many values & lessons I've been raised with has involved the notion that "nothing is impossible".

Or as my father used to say — "1,400 solutions to everything in Life".

Which is something I wholeheartedly believe in.

Therefore, if you work with me — by default, you will end up believing in it eventually too.

Back to this new client.

Let's call him Fabio (not his real name).

Fabio shared with me at the very beginning of our session that his biggest dream is to make his own business.

And it's not only because of the money he says.

It's about the "freedom that the money will bring. The lifestyle!" — to put it in his words.

"I want to impact the world, Julian. I know I can do it. I just don't have anything to show for it." He added.

This was exactly what I wanted to hear from him.

I wanted him to, very explicitly, share that.

The life he's been deeply desiring but never done anything to achieve.

Which, by the way, is why people deem these visions as "crazy" or "unrealistic".

They're unrealistic because they're rare.

Only a few others have managed to turn their biggest dreams into reality.

And as such — they're unconventional.

Not the norm.

Now, add into it that the person who's saying it also doesn't have the best track record... and it becomes "insane" & "in his wildest dreams".

But why?

Who says they can't evolve?

Who says they won't be able to figure it out?

Who says that their hunger isn't that strong that it'll take over & make it happen?

I see this mistake with a lot of folks.

They instantly put themselves down & their entire Life's vision because of what it may "look like".

In other words, how it may be perceived by others.

However, there are two big potential outcomes that can take place here.

Either your big dream becomes a reality. Or it doesn't.

It's that simple.

All the other little details in between that may come to be… are relevant but not as much at the very moment.

You'll deal with those as you encounter them on your journey.

For now, focus on the fact that there are just 2 possible outcomes.

Both of which are hypothetical.

They are possibilities.

But none hold any truth.

(Just yet, that is).

And that is the same for every single other thought or idea we have.

They are abstract & intangible at first.

You can say them. Put language to it. Share them with every other person you meet.

But, as long as you don't do anything in the physical world to create them, they remain just that — as thoughts or ideas.

My point?

If they both are just thoughts and both don't hold any truth... how do you know which one becomes reality?

The one you create right?

But how do you go about creating it?

Well, first you need to choose the one you want to create.

Yes, you get to make that choice.

When I told Fabio, he was shocked, reacting with, "Me?! I get to choose if my dream becomes real?"

Yes, you.

Shocking perhaps.

But, not as shocking when I tell you it's the very same person who also chooses to not make it a reality.

Whether it's today or throughout your life, you've made a series of choices & decisions that have led to where you currently are.

The systems, lifestyle, & routines you currently have in place are just perfect for the results you're currently getting.

All things that you've chosen & decided upon in one way or another.

So, once Fabio shared the preferred outcome with me — which seemed obvious to him but again if it was that obvious, why wasn't he doing anything to make it happen?! — we developed a framework together that would make this "unfeasible, absurd, & improbable" dream of his more of a reality.


By subtracting.

Reverse-engineering it & turning it into more tangible, quantifiable, & easily-trackable steps.

A process, that although challenging to first put onto paper & make logical, ends up simplifying one's biggest intentions & deepest desires.

So much so, that once done, tested, & accomplished with just one big intention or vision (such as "getting my first client") can then be transferred & channelled over and over again with other intentions or visions (such as "becoming my own boss").

This framework has allowed Fabio to leave our session feeling eager, excited, & most importantly, with actionable steps that are as clear as day.

I know what you're thinking.

"Are you gonna share that framework? Or are you just gonna keep talking about how great it is?"

Yes, you will get access to it.

It'll be very clearly explained & laid out for you in Saturday's letter.

However, if your hunger for success is so strong that you can't wait till then, I respect that.

If that's you, reply back to this email with the word "vision".

There may just be something that I can provide you with before Saturday :)

Thank you for reading, my friends.

Much love,
