You Feel It Too, Don’t You?

Read time: 2.5 minutes

A few months ago, I had a realization that punched me in the gut.

I had been hiding.

Not in the way that’s obvious. Not in a way that anyone else could see.

But I felt it. I knew it.

I remember talking to someone.

Someone who was struggling, someone who was stuck. And as they shared their challenges, I could see the shift they needed to make.

I knew exactly how I could help them. I knew the words that could change their perspective. I knew what I had to offer could make a real difference.

And yet… I hesitated.

I filtered. I held back. I softened my voice.


Because deep down, I was afraid.

  • What if they don’t take me seriously?

  • What if I say the wrong thing?

  • What if they don’t listen?

So instead of saying what needed to be said, I said what felt safe.

In other words... I made it about me — how I’d be perceived & how I’d be received — instead of about them and what they truly needed.

And that’s when it hit me:

How selfish is that?

To have something that could help someone — to have insight, knowledge, or wisdom that could create a shift — and to hold it back because of fear?

That, my friend, was the moment I made a decision.

A declaration.

I will not operate from fear. I will not filter my voice when I know it can serve. I will not dim my own light just to stay comfortable.

Instead, I will show up. Fully.

Because here’s the truth:

Fear is inevitable. But giving it power is a choice.

And that’s not just about business or entrepreneurship.

Fear runs quietly in the background of all our lives — controlling the way we show up in ways we don’t even realize.

  • The person who stays in a job they hate — not because they love it, but because they fear uncertainty.

  • The person who avoids difficult conversations — not because they don’t know what to say, but because they fear conflict.

  • The person who plays small in their relationships — not because they don’t want more, but because they fear rejection.

Fear disguises itself as logic.

It convinces you to wait until you’re ready. To stay where it’s safe. To keep things predictable.

But here’s what most people never realize:

Your entire Life is a reflection of your BEing.”

And fear? Fear is a way of being.

  • A person who operates from fear will always hesitate, overthink, and hold back.

  • A person who operates from trust will move, take action, and create new possibilities.

Same external world. Completely different experience.

Because it’s not your circumstances that shape your Life. It’s not your skills. It’s not even your mindset.

It’s who you are BEING.

And here’s the part that most people miss:

Being is a choice.

A choice you make before the circumstances change. A choice you make before you feel ready. A choice you make before Life gives you proof.

Because being always comes first.

  • Being is the seed.

  • Action is the water.

  • Results are the fruit.

And most people try to reverse this.

  • They wait to feel confident before they take action.

  • They wait to feel ready before they commit.

  • They wait for proof before they trust.

But it doesn’t work that way.

You choose first.

You choose to be confident — and then confidence comes. 

You choose to be committed — and then results follow. 

You choose to be fearless — and then fear stops running the show.

This is the shift.

This is where everything changes.

So, my friend, I’ll leave you with this:

Who are you choosing to BE?”

Because once you decide that — everything else falls into place.

Just in the way that it's supposed to.

That's it for this one. Thank you for being here.

With Love,


PS. What’s one way you’ve been letting fear run the show? And what’s the shift you’re ready to make? Hit reply — I’d love to hear it.