My New Revelation.

(And now yours, too!)

Read time: 4 minutes

Over the past few weeks, I've had a wild realization.

As my eyes have been opened to this new perspective... I can't seem to stop seeing it in front of me.


Everywhere I go... everything I do... this new perspective keeps being proved to me over and over.

And that's the beauty of it, my friends.

This revelation I've had is related to the mind.

As some of you may have already guessed.

Specifically, how the mind really works.

Your feelings are a direct mirror reflection of your thoughts at that very moment.

Whatever you may be feeling... whether it's sadness, guilt, anxiety, fear, excitement, or nervousness — they're all a DIRECT reflection of your thinking in that moment.

The good news?

Your thoughts change.

Very quickly.

Every 90 seconds or so, a new thought comes in.

Especially if you don't harp or hold on to the old thought.

Given that your true nature is endless wellbeing, clarity and peace of mind... and given that new thought is always showing up for you when you don't interfere with the process by holding on to old thought... there's simply nothing to do but understand the way the system works.”

~ Amy Johnson, Being Human

The fact that our natural innate state as human beings is happiness is a powerful reminder.

Whenever you don't interfere with the process (i.e. holding on to the thoughts)... you give way to be taken back to your natural & innate state.

Think about children.

The way they have this ability to tap into infinite creativity, curiosity, and joy.

In one second they can be crying and in the next, they can be laughing like no tomorrow.

We all were there at some point in our lives.

All of us. Without exception.

Meaning we all can get there again. Because it's already in us.

Within us.

And that's exactly what Amy Jonhson means when she says "there's nothing to do" or to not "interfere".

As you evolve & expand in life, you get caught up in your own misunderstandings of how the world works... so much so that you don't spend anywhere as much time in this natural state as you did as a child.

“So how do I get to this natural state, Julian?”

Again — you don't get to it.

Your efforts to purposefully & intentionally achieve them will get in your way of doing so.

It's when you have a relaxed & clear mind that those obstacles (i.e. your thoughts) fall away.

Because your state will "emerge" naturally from within you... especially cause it's always been there.

It never left.

Naturally, at this point, you may be confused.

“You're telling us to do nothing but yet doing nothing is what's blocking me!”

And that's the big misunderstanding here folks.

You don't realize (& neither did I up to recently) that a quiet mind is not a place to get to. It's a by-product of understanding how the mind works.

Of realizing (& therefore by default, acknowledging) that you do not experience the world directly.

You simply can't.

You experience the world via your own thinking.

Seeing, internalizing, & comprehending this is what grants you this new and greater perspective.

This is where your typical questions of "How?" or "What do I do?" come in.

And I answer them by reminding you to pause.

To reflect on what this means.

And to actively make a conscious effort to understand this concept.

Because in the same token... a by-product of NOT understanding how the mind works is a noisy mind.

They are both there. The busyness & the stillness.

A quiet mind = a busy mind.

They're simply different states.

Of which you get to choose which one to activate & be in.

The Special One

To drive this point home... please consider the following example.

If your main intention or desire in life currently is to

  • Find the love of your life

  • Make all the money in the world

  • Build a successful career or business

... then your thoughts will constantly take on this sense of urgency.

The urgency to find this love/person (for example) will make all your interactions with potential partners different.

If we refer back to last week's letter on BEING (which you can read here) — your thoughts (in this case about needing to find "the one") will directly lead you to become the person who NEEDS something.

Who is desperate for it!!

Ultimately, how do you think you'll be showing up in the world?

Remember — the being creates the doing.

The urgency is what will interfere with your ability to perform naturally.

And particularly to perform at your best.

If your feelings of love, approval, and self-worth are all dependent on the love of your life... then think about the increased pressure that is placed every time you socialize, go to gatherings, & are potentially meeting "the one".

Urgent thinking comes as a result.

The same is said about "needing" to make a million or a billion dollars.

It's a cliche... but it's true — the more you search for something, the less likely you are to get it.

This is why all the "winners" & "gurus" of the world tell you to look WITHIN.

Your happiness comes from you.

Your misunderstanding that it actually comes from the outside world is what leads to

  • Insecurities

  • Inflated egos

  • Busy & noisy minds

That's why it's all about realizing how the mind works (after reading this, you now are aware of it, which is the first step).

From awareness, you can then acknowledge & accept it... & subsequently, create intentionality & conscious effort in getting out of your own way.

That's when you'll start to notice these insecurities beginning to fade away.

That's when you'll start to notice your childlike wonder, curiosity, and wisdom slowly reawakening.


Therefore, my friends, to close off... I invite you to reflect on what this means for you in your own life.

  • What do you hear (or read) in this about you?

Think about it for a long while.

Go on a contemplative walk.

Journal about it.

Put the pieces together.

What does it mean that your circumstances do not impact how you feel?

What would be different if you realized (& accepted) that your thoughts (& thus your feelings) are always travelling... and are, therefore, temporary?

Your feelings are directly correlated to your thinking at that moment.

The sooner you can consciously remind yourself of the way the mind really works... the sooner your entire life & world at large get simpler.

This means every day presents a new opportunity for you to "test" this out.

For you to prove it to yourself.

Every day is a new chance for you to get to know yourself a little better.

For me, there's no better gift than that.

You, too, can give yourself that same gift.

Thank you for reading.

Wishing you a beautiful weekend.

Much love,


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