Say Goodbye to Disappointment

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God always had a plan for me. 

And instead of accepting it, I continued to search for more.

  • He continued to show me.

  • He kept pointing to the clues.

  • He made it more than abundantly clear.

And yet, I still couldn’t see it. 

What was it going to take for me to realize that I was right where I belonged?

I know you relate. 

I know you’ve been in a place where you’ve wondered…

Is this it, God?

And instead of trusting the process, you’ve convinced yourself that having more will somehow help.

But, that’s the thing, my friends… more doesn’t necessarily mean better. For too long now I’ve been operating my entire business and life at large from a place of needing something from it. And when you do so… you are way less likely to get that “thing” you’ve been needing.

Today, I’m gonna show you how cultivating and embodying the exact opposite will actually bring you way closer to that thing you need or want.

That’s right. When you operate from a place of “zero”, that is not needing anything from anyone or anywhere — you are way more likely to get that thing!

Paradoxical I know.

Just wait and see.

Let’s dive in…

Pluses Don’t Always Add Up

As is common in our human nature, we tend to operate from a place of “plus”. 

In other words, we continually see the world as something to take from.


  • Your business 

  • Your relationships

  • Your self-development journey

You have these desires. These wants and needs.

And therefore you base your entire life around fulfilling these wants and needs. 

  • You go to college because you want to get a degree.

  • You start a relationship because you don’t want to be alone. 

  • You start a business or get a job because you want the money.

But the more you have the “let me see what I can get out of this” mentality… the less likely you will successfully acquire said need or want. 


Think about it.

Wouldn’t you be able to excel in your exams if you didn’t continually think about passing or graduating?

Wouldn’t you be able to serve clients at the highest level if you weren't so preoccupied with making money?

Wouldn’t you be able to be the best partner if you weren’t spending most of your relationship wondering whether the other was meeting your needs?

Pluses make your entire happiness based on expectations and the fulfilment of said expectations. 

You want your friends to show up for you in ways that you thought they would, right?

And when they don’t?

What happens?

  • Sadness.

  • Lack of self-worthiness. 

  • Overall low motivation & satisfaction. 

Because their showing up is a plus! 

If they show up, great.

If they don’t, that’s fine.

Learn to be indifferent to that. 

That’s how you operate from zero! 

You Don’t Really Need It 

The minute you realize that pluses aren’t needed is the moment you find true freedom.

Trust me when I say that. 

Learn to let go of all expectations. Become indifferent. 

Even in the most trivial of things. 

You don’t need alcohol to have fun.

If it’s given to you somehow without you seeking it, then great. That’s a plus to your night! 

You don’t need the dessert to fully enjoy your meal. 

If it’s given to you somehow without you seeking it, then great.

That’s what a plus is. 

A cherry on top. 


So, naturally, at this point, you may be wondering…

“How do I learn to cultivate a life of zero?” 

And that, my friends, is what we’ll discuss next. 

Zero As Your Baseline 

Learning to to actively & continually operate from a place of “zero” at all times has been challenging, but beyond fulfilling. 

I leave every situation of my life 

  • At peace

  • Satisfied

  • Without needing more 

Here’s how you can do the same: 

1) Giving > Getting.

At all times of your day, during all interactions and events that take place — remind yourself of one thing…

To give! 

Make it a habit to catch & check in with yourself, asking: 

“Am I giving as much as I possibly can?”

Whether it’s in your 

  • Conversations with friends

  • Working sessions with clients

  • When interacting with service staff

Ask yourself… are you giving as much as you possibly can?!

By merely asking this question to yourself… you'll be bringing it to your attention and consciousness, truly analyzing whether you are or not.

Because remember, my friends, acknowledgement is the first and hardest hurdle. 

Only when you recognize where you stand, can you do something about it.

Nothing can be done, if you don’t even know what has to be done.

Let’s take it a step further. 

2) Analyze & Evaluate 

At the end of your day, ask yourself that same question.

So not only are you catching yourself in the actual moment and actively correcting when needed.

But here you are taking it beyond the inner dialogue and actively writing about it in your journal.

“What if I don’t journal?” 

Then take this as your weekly reminder to start incorporating journaling into your regular life.

Best decision I’ve made. 

Best decision you’ll make too. 

Besides reading these letters of course :)

If you can cultivate a daily habit of evaluating your day and asking yourself if you gave more than you got… you will be able to properly analyze your behaviour, continually collect data, and continually adapt and correct.

Didn’t give as much as you possibly could today?

No worries. 

Identify where you could’ve given more and what you would’ve done differently if you were there right now.

Describe it in as much detail as possible.

Now… not only do you have your plan for tomorrow and how to exactly go about it but there also goes the answer to your question “But what do I journal about?” Or “How do I even start?”. 

The more you write, the more data you collect.

And the more data you collect, the more equipped you are at properly and actually knowing yourself.

Therefore, when the moment calls for it, correcting or adapting to “giving” takes place more naturally.

It becomes second nature.

3) Remind Yourself Of The Truth

Pluses are only that.


Nothing more. Nothing less.

You will never be satisfied

You will make the money you want… but yet, you’ll want more.

You will find your true best friend… but yet, you’ll want more from them.

You will start to show some abs…. but yet, you’ll start wanting biceps too.

When does it ever end?

You got that right.

It doesn’t. 


As my father loves to say… 

You die without your money.

But not without your reputation.”

Ask yourself…

Would you rather continually search for never-ending pluses?

Or would you rather be known as the person who always gives and gives?

Heck, “being known”…. it’s not even about that!

At the end of the day, giving is the most selfish act of all.

Because that’s when you truly find happiness and inner peace.

Expectations become as distant as your cousin in Timbuktu and disappoints plainly cease to exist. 

So remember,  my friends… 

  1. Give as much as you possibly can.

  2. Continually check, analyze, and evaluate yourself. 

  3. Remind yourself of the true nature of pluses & their lack of fulfilment

What’s the best way to tackle all 3 you ask?

By daily writing.

The sooner you start to write, the sooner you begin to understand yourself in ways & depths you’ve only ever dreamed of. 

Stop sleeping on this, folks. It's your time.

That’s it for me on this one.

As always, please feel free to reply directly to this email if you need more guidance on this. 

Thanks for reading! 

Much love,


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