Silicon Valley's Best Kept Secret

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Read time: 5 minutes

It was a warm summer day.

The one before our departure.

We were headed back to our home country.

The place where our entire family meets up & reconnects.

Lots of downtime.


Some socializing too.

It's wonderful.

I love my summers there.

Especially given that we spend a lot of time at the beach.

Which is one of my favourite reading spots.

Yet, that very day… I was torn.

I was about to finish one book.

And I had so many others on my reading list…

Which one should I pick? I kept asking myself.

For days, I kept going back and forth.

But as I kept checking on Amazon the different contenders, I paused & asked myself:

Why hasn't this been an issue before?

How have I been choosing thus far?

And I remembered...

I hadn't.

I had not once chosen which book to read.

They were each instructed, recommended, or gifted to me.

Like I mentioned in my previous letter — Life always found a way to make it very clear which book I should be reading next.

So with that in mind, I stopped browsing.

I kept moving forward with my life.

And just like it had happened numerous times before, in the best possible moment... Life presented me, yet again, with the next reading for my summer holidays.

At that moment, we were packing our suitcases.

Everything was ready.

But, suddenly, Dad walks into my room.

"You need to read this. Just finished it. You're going to love it. Incredible."

And there it was.

Was I amazed?

Not really.


Perhaps a tad.

But you know what I was?


If there's anyone who knows how to motivate & hype things up, it's my father.

And the way he delivered this book just made me want to start it right then and there.

And here we are 2 weeks later & I'm done.

Learned. And ready to share it all with you.

Silicon Valley's Secret Weapon

No, it isn't a piece of hardware.

Nor a bit of software.

Not even a product.

It's about a man.

A football coach turned sales guy.

One that became so influential that he went on weekly Sunday walks with Steve Jobs.

The Google Founders said they wouldn't have made it without him.

Introducing the Trillion Dollar Coach...

Bill Campbell.

He took the lessons of teamwork, leadership, and grit from the field and applied them in the corporate world. But instead of coaching athletes, he coached CEOs, guiding them through the most critical decisions of their careers.

“But Julian, I'm not a CEO. This won’t be applicable to me!”

Maybe you’re not in a formal organization.

But you are the leader of your own life, after all.

If you aim to see it from your own lens in your unique life — you’ll find many areas where Campbell's advice will be beyond valuable.

It just so happens that Campbell coached & mentored industry titans, such as:

  • Jeff Bezos

  • Steve Jobs

  • Larry Page

  • Eric Schmidt

To name a few.

They all looked to Campbell for advice, not just on business strategies but on how to lead with empathy, integrity, and courage.

His impact was so profound that he was nicknamed "The Trillion-Dollar Coach," a title that reflected the massive (financial) value he helped create through his mentorship & presence.

Campbell wasn't just about the bottom line; he was about building cultures where people could thrive.

He believed that companies succeed when their people succeed, and he embedded this philosophy into the DNA of companies like Apple, Google, and Intuit.

His influence wasn't just in what these companies did, but in how they did it — bringing forward environments of trust, collaboration, and relentless innovation.

Never heard of him & wondering why?

Bill Campbell never sought the limelight.

He didn't write books, give keynote speeches, or seek public admiration.

None of that.

Instead, he worked quietly behind the scenes, preferring to empower others to shine. 

But those who knew him, those who were touched by his wisdom, will tell you that Bill Campbell's legacy is forever part of Silicon Valley's most enduring successes.

Mastering Human Connection: 3 Essential Lessons

1. Put People First.

Campbell believed that putting people first, whether in business or life, is the foundation of success.

Building trust, showing genuine care, and investing in others are universal principles that create strong, healthy relationships.

My interpretation of this is prioritizing relationships over tasks.

This could mean making time for a friend who's going through a rough time, even when your schedule is packed.

Or it might be as simple as being fully present with your family or partner — listening to them, engaging in conversations, and showing that you care about their well-being, not just what they can do for you.

To care about people you have to care about people.”

Trillion Dollar Coach

Leadership — whether at work, at home, or in your community — comes from earning the respect and trust of others by showing them they matter.

2. Be Kind, But Be Honest

Campbell's ability to balance empathy with direct, candid feedback made him an effective leader and mentor.

In life, this principle can help you navigate difficult conversations while maintaining strong, respectful relationships.

Leading with empathy and candor could mean having an honest but caring conversation with a friend who's making unhealthy choices.

In other words, not being a people-pleaser. (Read my blog on Serving vs. Pleasing for more on that here.)

Instead of avoiding the topic or being overly harsh, you express your concerns with compassion.

Consider applying this with your family, friendships, and even mentoring roles.

Show that you care about someone’s well-being while also being straightforward when something needs to change.

He was tough, but you never doubted for a moment that he cared about you.”

Trillion Dollar Coach

Campbell knew how to play the delicate dance between being both empathetic and candid.

In everyday life, people will trust and appreciate your honesty more when they know it comes from a place of care and concern.

The more you do that, the more it becomes part of your true being.

3. Focus on the Team, Not Just the Individual.

Campbell believed that strong teams are the key to success.

This can be extended to any group — whether it’s a family, a neighbourhood, or a community organization.

Focusing on collective goals rather than just individual achievements helps everyone thrive.

Within a family, it’s about ensuring that everyone feels included, valued, and supported in achieving shared goals, like creating a loving home environment.

Whether it's at work or in your friend group, become the catalyst that brings everybody together.

The one that makes sure everybody is feeling included.

That everyone is actively engaging, being listened to, & respected.

It’s the team that wins, not the individual.”

Trillion Dollar Coach

These are just 3 out of the many many lessons that one can learn from Bill Campbell.

This book is a testament to the power of hard & consistent work.

One that starts with yourself.

Because as much as Bill's genius lies in his work with others — he first had to become these things to then be able to teach them.

I see why my father loved this book so much.

There is so much wisdom in there that can be applied to our own personal lives beyond the business world.

Which is truly the main reason why Campbell was so successful & influential.

He understood that in order to succeed professionally, a personal human connection needed to be created first.

At the end of the day, being human is your own secret weapon.

People value authenticity.

Be yourself.

It's your best bet.

Tomorrow morning — I'm starting my next book.

Once again, the selection process has happened organically.

A family member recommended it & then proceeded to gift it to me.

At this rate, I don't know when I'll get to be the one who chooses my next book!

And for that, I'm grateful.

Thank you for reading my friends.

Happy Saturday!

Much love,


PS. If you'd like to hear more recaps & takeaways from the books I'm reading, please reply directly back to this email with the word "trillion".

If there's enough interest, we'll do it!