Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

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The other night I was deeply upset.

  • with myself

  • with the world

  • with everything and everyone

I was sulking.

Constant negativity. Terrible feelings. And an even worse mood.

I didn't even know why. I was in my own world. In my own head. Trying to make myself a victim. Trying to make those around to pity me.

But again — why?

As I strived to search for answers, one clear one came to mind:

I'm never satisfied. I always want more. And I never will be happy.

For those who know me personally, I'm usually a very up & optimistic young man. I try to always see the positive in things, and aim to be very hopeful with the world and my own endeavours.

But lately, I've been noticing that I may not be practicing all that I preach.

I think a part of myself is lying. To myself.

I notice that I keep on comparing myself to others. To others' successes. To others' triumphs.

And that's the thing that's weird when you're 20-something. Other 20-somethings are either

  • travelling the world

  • earning double the income

  • getting married & having kids

It's honestly such a confusing age. You immediately compare and realize you could be doing so much more.

The worst part?

You end up not being grateful for anything.

I'm not saying grateful for the general & "typical" things (our health, the roof over our head, the constant sustenance & water)... I mean grateful for the small things.

We can't find the time nor the beauty in the "little things" any longer because we are robbed from noticing them. I'm too focused & obsessed with "doing more" & surpassing my peers that I can't seem to find the positive & optimistic nature that used to be so intrinsic to me.

In essence, the comparison game has been eating me up. Bit by bit. And if I don't stop it soon... it will rob me of everything. 

This is why today I'm writing a different type of letter — one that takes you with me on this new journey that I am excited to be partaking in. A journey in self-development and one that will ultimately allow me to (re)program my subconscious for positivity and a life of genuine happiness & purpose.

With that, welcome in. And thank you for being here.

Comparison is the thief of joy

My girlfriend said this to me last week.

She's been noticing my struggles. For a while now, I've been lying to myself, and she sees right through me.

I keep talking about what everybody else is doing:

  • all the money they are making

  • the constant clients they continue to bring in

  • the followers & vanity metrics that they surpass me on

As much as this online journey has been nothing but rewarding and fulfilling to me; it's been different as of late.

I'm reaching only my 5th or 6th month online. And instead of being proud and pleased with what I've accomplished and done so far... I can't seem to recognize it and instead tend to focus on the negative.

Is that what my father taught me?

I need to reframe and remind myself of all the good I've accomplished so far.

  • I've not missed a single day posting online

  • I've released 20+ newsletter issues week after week

  • I've started a podcast, vlogging, released 3 products, and even signed my first paid client

Why am I not satisfied?

You guessed right.

I always want more.

But let's dig deeper. Where does this insatiable need "for more" come from?

And in my opinion — this is something that the entire Gen Z suffers from. I would even consider it a skill because it is not easy to undertake. It is not innate either. It is something you learn once, and that requires regular maintenance and practice.

The skill in question is...


In my eyes, gratitude is the most important skill to live a happy life.


Gratitude promises & secures:

  • strong resilience

  • stable mental health

  • ever-lasting happiness

And let me repeat myself — it isn't that we are not grateful for anything.

We all — in every generation — are more than capable and willing to be grateful for the great things in life. But, that's easy. Anybody can be grateful for a promotion, the birth of a child, or even for a medical recovery.


Not everybody can be grateful for the little & small things that take place with every passing (& ordinary) day.

And this is where the comparison game comes in, my friends.

We are so overly exposed to others and the constant "good" that happens in their lives.

For the majority of people who frequently use social media — you will see something that you either desire, envy, or have been craving — and immediately feel worthless.

You can't help but compare. You can't help but think of the fact that you're not there. That you don't have that.

And that is the issue folks — How can one ever be happy if in the blink of a second, you can always find something better & greater?

That, my friends, is the big mistake:

basing your entire happiness on comparison.

On "others".

I, too, have fallen into this trap. And it's not easy to realize it.

But, remember — the first and hardest hurdle is acknowledging it. Then accepting it, and lastly moving forward and doing something about it.

I'm happy to share that I am at this third stage.

It did take me a long while to acknowledge it though — hence the constant avoidance of the topic & lies given to myself and close others.

However, that other night... I saw it. I witnessed it with my own eyes. I had been bringing myself so down that even the world started to reflect negativity back to me.

I realized that if I didn't do something about it soon, I was never gonna find true and genuine happiness.

Therefore, I share with you all my new & upcoming journey towards real meaning & happiness.

Here's what's changing to make my life better (& how you can apply it to yours):

For starters, I'm happy to share that I just recently started working with a new coach. I met him online on X/Twitter in the same way that I had been meeting other creators.

We started DM’ing back and forth. Getting to know each other.

After a few voice messages, we were both down to get on a call and continue "networking". After all, that was truly (on both ends), our intention. To meet. To know the other on a deeper level and leave with a new connection (one that would remain online and online only).

That's how 99% (to not say all) of these networking calls go.

But this one was different.

We connected immediately. From football to music, we shared very similar tastes and preferences. I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation. And it truly just felt like I was having a real conversation with a new mate.

But... due to our constant back & forth on topics of mutual interest; we didn't get to discuss any "business-related" matters or any of that sort. That's why, in the last 3-5 minutes of our call I was prompted to ask him exactly that out of genuine curiosity.

What does this man do for a living?

Turns out he's a life coach. A mindset coach more specifically.

I don't know what came thru me at that exact moment, but I couldn't help on wanting to know more. To understand more.

Upon reflection, I think it was his soothing, calm, & positive energy that drew me to him and his presence. But digging deeper, I believe a part of me knew that this man was gonna be the answer to something I didn't even know I was seeking.

During the time of this call, things were going quite well for me. I was really enjoying my business and overall work... and things were seemingly going quite alright for me.

But little did I know that I was only dealing with my physical world & its success, completely neglecting my spiritual success.

As morning follows night;

physical success follows spiritual success.”

 Jeff Buehner

And that's the thing, my friends — I don't know what came over me that day. Because I wasn't planning on hiring a new coach. I wasn't planning on working with anybody right now. I didn't wanna spend any money either.

But yet I did exactly that.

I told him I was more than interested and we got on another call the following week to have our "first session" where he shared with me the possibility of joining him (& his other mentees) in a 6-day retreat.

You may be wondering why I'm sharing all this with you.

And my answer lies in the fact that coincidences happen in more ways than randomness ever allows.

Today, 2 months later... I am more than grateful for the fact that I get to work 1:1 with a mindset and life coach as I need it more than ever. I'm even more excited for the fact that I will be heading on a retreat with 6 strangers!!! This is something my old self would've never ever done. And the fact that I was able to spontaneously agree to something like this shows me that there is something more powerful inside of me fueling me and leading me forward to where I need to go.

Over the next few weeks and months, I'll be sharing with you all more of this self-development journey.

But for now, I'd love to share with you the 1 thing that I've changed and incorporated into my life that has thoroughly been of great help.

Writing is free

Let's take it back to the other night. When I was feeling

  • blue

  • frustrated

  • melancholic

These were feelings that I don't normally feel or allow myself to feel.

And perhaps that is the first problem.

I try to shield myself away from feeling these "negative" feelings; when instead welcoming them in and allowing myself to grasp, understand, and genuinely comprehend where they may be coming from is the more fitting choice.

I don't say this to encourage you to continue sulking and being down. I say this to make you realize that to become the most charismatic, social, and self-assured individual, the first step begins with understanding yourself.

And doing so genuinely.

In the good and in the bad.

For me, this shift has been accompanied by daily and nightly writing. For the past 6 months or so, I've cultivated a habit of nightly journaling. But I was doing it on my notes app on my phone with the same 4 prompts.

This wasn't helpful. It was limiting me from writing freely.

Over the past month, I've transitioned into a physical journal where I continued my nightly practice with the same 4 prompts. But once again, I noticed myself not feeling excited or even wanting to engage in this practice due to the mundane and dull nature behind using the same exact prompts.

So this past week I've started doing so without any prompts. Without any structures. Without nothing. Just my pen and my mind — allowing both to take me wherever they desire.

And let me tell you — it's been beyond amazing. I've now even started doing it in the mornings as well. And I absolutely love it. I look forward to it. I am talking to myself. I am connecting with myself. I am digging deep and aiming to understand my feelings, emotions, and true sentiments behind my actions and life at large.

Not to mention my handwriting is already improving too.

Therefore, my friends. If you don't journal or write to yourself yet; I encourage you to do so. If you need prompts and work better with those then go for it. If you don't and would love to see where your mind takes you, then go for it too.

What works for me doesn't necessarily have to work for you.

But, don't let it stop you from trying.

You have nothing to lose. And everything to gain.

Which leads me to that 1 thing I mentioned above. That 1 thing that I've incorporated into my life that has shifted my entire perspective.

The funny part is that this 1 thing I'm about to share with you is something my father has been preaching for as long as I can remember.

Dreaming is free

My father used to and continues to say this to my brother and I.

For our entire life, he's encouraged us to dream on and on. To live in a state of "dreaming" for the rest of time.


Because in the dream world — there are no boundaries. The possibilities are infinite.

Whereas in the real world, we allow things to get to us and really get the best of us.

Put simply, reality bites.

Therefore, in this new journey, the next iteration of Julian Saad will be one that lives continually in a dream state. One who is continually dreaming of

  • who he is

  • what he has

  • how he is showing up

“Isn't dreaming fake though? Isn't it based in a state of falsehood & pretending?”

Yes. That is the key. You want to continually pretend.


Because your feelings & physical being at large are reflective and fully based on your internal spirits.

To make this point more clear for you, consider this example:

Let's say you're going to a festival soon.

You start to watch (on YouTube) live DJ sets of those exact DJs that will be making it to that festival. You start seeing the crowd vibing, dancing like crazy, and having a good time.

As a result, you start to feel your body and emotional being get excited.

You start to move. To groove with them, even if they are on screen and you are not there currently. You are getting excited. More and more with every new track the DJ mixes.

At some point, you get up on your feet, and you're fully dancing.

Your entire mood is shifted. You're elevated. Full positivity. Full happiness.

I share this to put forth that you're entire mood, feelings and emotions at large can be controlled from a place of imagination.

Therefore, if you can imagine positive things, places, and people that you've always dreamt of being with or having at your disposal — your mood and entire being will reflect that.

But, please, my friends — when you do this — do not confuse it with longing. You are not telling yourself "Oh how I wish I were there". 

You are there. You are vibing with them. You are feeling the energy.

I recommend doing this on a daily basis. And you can do this with more than just YouTube videos. Pull up Google Images of locations or cars you'd like to have or be at (a picture is worth a thousand words).

Then, imagine yourself there — today. currently. now. — with those things at your disposal. And let your imagination run loose.

Let yourself feel that you are there.

Let yourself feel that you do own that vehicle.

Let yourself feel that you do have that job you're so passionate about.

What you think, you feel. And what you feel, you are.

It's that simple my friends.

“How quick does one see results?”

If done right — instantly.

But you need to believe in it. Let your imagination do the rest.


You have nothing to lose. But, everything to gain.

That’s it for me today, my friends.

Thanks for reading!

I'm excited to take you on this new journey with me.

Much love,


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