What would you do?

Read on my website.

Read time — 2 minutes.

What would you do if suddenly one of your clients decided to not renew with you?

They claim they’re not reaching their goals or objectives, and therefore it's time to part ways.

What would you do?

Whether you have a ton or just a couple of clients, 1 leaving shouldn't be the end of the world.

But... what happens when 1 leaving becomes 5?

When 5 becomes 10?

When 10 becomes all?!

Now, is it the end of the world?

Of course not.

Losing clients is part of the coaching game — and it all boils down to a simple problem.

Let me paint a picture for you.

Your client pays you because you’ve promised them a specific result.

You claimed they would

  • triple their follower count

  • double their client base

  • 10x their revenue

And yet, here they are, 3 months later…

  • at a stable 400-follower count

  • the same 0 clients they started with

  • an even more negative account balance after spending much on you

Whatever the reason, in their eyes — they’ve failed to achieve that goal.

All they care about is the fact that they didn't reach what you promised they would reach.

And who do you think they'll blame for it?

That's right.


Here they are feeling…

  • down

  • disillusioned

  • unmotivated

And here you are, down 1 client with lots of work down the drain.

Back to doing outreach to fill their spot.

The worst part is that all this could have been avoided.

Even if they didn’t put in all the effort… you could’ve been better at:

  • guiding

  • correcting

  • motivating

them in a positive & effective way.

All this because you couldn’t talk to them like a coach should.

I hate seeing this happen over and over.

Let’s be honest — coaching people is no walk in the park.

Everything is harder when feelings are involved.

But not when you have a proven approach that guides you towards deeply understanding & making your client feel seen.

I’ve noticed many people I’ve worked with having this same exact problem with their own clients.

Therefore, over the last 90 days, I’ve been testing this framework.

And it’s worked wonders for me — as it has for my clients.

So it’s safe to say it’s proven effective.

I’ve packaged it into a 4-step guide to help you effectively communicate with your clients.

It will set you up with tools, prompts, and modules to help them

  • achieve all their goals

  • attribute their success to you

  • continually renew their contracts over and over

If you're interested, click here.

Thanks for reading.

Much love,
